Fishing the Willamette zone...

O.K. here we go....First spot is just east of the 42nd street bridge on 126 east bound. You have to park on the west bound lanes of the hwy. and then leap the guard rail; once you make it down the embankment start up at the creek flowing off the main stem of the McKenzie and work your way down stream. There is approximately 1.5 miles of shore line that is fishable, when the river is at is normal flow you can carefully wade out into the middle of the river. All the Steelhead and Chinook that make it to the hatchery have to pass by this spot, at the end of the run down stream there is a back water area that is loaded with warm water species; I don't think I would eat them due to the proximity to WAYCO but the catch and release has made it a very productive area in the late spring and summer for Large Mouth Bass and other pan fish.
Like I said before, before I post another secret hole you must fish this area and make a full report with pictures. Tight lines and good luck, did I mention to watch out for the critters in the underbrush; I am not sure how to spell the name of them but they look like 50# rats (Nuetreas)...very territorial of there area....



Troutski said:
O.K. here we go....First spot is just east of the 42nd street bridge on 126 east bound. You have to park on the west bound lanes of the hwy. and then leap the guard rail; once you make it down the embankment start up at the creek flowing off the main stem of the McKenzie and work your way down stream. There is approximately 1.5 miles of shore line that is fishable, when the river is at is normal flow you can carefully wade out into the middle of the river. All the Steelhead and Chinook that make it to the hatchery have to pass by this spot, at the end of the run down stream there is a back water area that is loaded with warm water species; I don't think I would eat them due to the proximity to WAYCO but the catch and release has made it a very productive area in the late spring and summer for Large Mouth Bass and other pan fish.
Like I said before, before I post another secret hole you must fish this area and make a full report with pictures. Tight lines and good luck, did I mention to watch out for the critters in the underbrush; I am not sure how to spell the name of them but they look like 50# rats (Nuetreas)...very territorial of there area....


When would this be a productive spot? Not real familiar with the big MAC. Should warm up about same time as south santiam right? Or is that run a little later in the spring, being further up the willy. Also, are those NUETS c&r only?:lol:
No-keep them for NUTES Chilly! :lol:
(I don't think so)
Thanks for the tip

Thanks for the tip

Thanks for the tip! I've got to admit, I've lived in Eugene/Springfield for almost 30 years and I'm just now starting to fish! I hooked two Steelhead on the Upqua two weeks ago and immediately decided that would be my new hobbie. I figure that since I live in Thurston, I'll start there - it sounds like you are talking about the stretch from WAYCO down to the slow water just before the train tressel on marcola rd? I'll be giving it a shot with yarn balls (those are "lures" right?) in next week or two. I'll be doing the same from Jasper down to the area around Clearwater park on the Middle Fork.

Thanks again
Welcome to OFF...

Welcome to OFF...

steelielover said:
Thanks for the tip! I've got to admit, I've lived in Eugene/Springfield for almost 30 years and I'm just now starting to fish! I hooked two Steelhead on the Upqua two weeks ago and immediately decided that would be my new hobbie. I figure that since I live in Thurston, I'll start there - it sounds like you are talking about the stretch from WAYCO down to the slow water just before the train tressel on marcola rd? I'll be giving it a shot with yarn balls (those are "lures" right?) in next week or two. I'll be doing the same from Jasper down to the area around Clearwater park on the Middle Fork.

Thanks again

Nice to have another Thurstoniet on the site. It is my belief that the Willie from Dexter down to Day Island Park is some of the most productive water in our back yard, much better than the Mac, mainly because of the pressure...there simply isn't any on the Willy.

Wow! I just thought nobody fished it because there were no fish...

Now I'm SUPER jazzed!

Now that I've gotten the fishing bike rigged up I'll be giving this spot a visit. Don't want to have to park my big ole van up on the pavement. Hit that lot at the end of 42nd & lock up to one of the wells. Think someone told me once that they use the boomers to make spam in the can !! How do you want your eggs? Over easy?
yellowjacket said:
Now that I've gotten the fishing bike rigged up I'll be giving this spot a visit. Don't want to have to park my big ole van up on the pavement. Hit that lot at the end of 42nd & lock up to one of the wells. Think someone told me once that they use the boomers to make spam in the can !! How do you want your eggs? Over easy?

Not anywhere near a can of spam thank you. Open or un-opened.... :lol::lol::lol:
Hide in plane site..

Hide in plane site..

steelielover said:
Wow! I just thought nobody fished it because there were no fish...

Now I'm SUPER jazzed!


There are here in pretty good numbers so far, the town run (Alton Baker Park) is active about now and the whole area where Big Fall Creek meets the Willy just east of Jasper.
The area around 42th street across from WAYCO is a great place to start, mind the current along the east shore line. Try up near the newer rock jetty placed on the east shore line, a very nice holding area for Steel and Native RedSide Trout...tight lines and be safe on the water.

I fished the spot for bass when i was younger that troutski is talking about. As i also live in thurston and have most of my life. There is a lot of blue gill too.
I swung out here this morning. For those like myself who are a bit nervous about parking on the shoulder of 126, you can take the north exit to a parking lot with a path. I walked upstream for about a half hour and fished my my back down to the car.

I didn't catch anything, but it was nice to finally get out on a river agian. I had one huge hookup on a spinner, but it got off almost right away. It was on the lee side of the small island you hit right as the main river bends off the highway. Chuck, this definitely looks like a good spot even though today was slow. Lots of "really" fishy looking pools and holding areas.

I did get to meet two nice guys that are also new to the area. They were fly fishing and not having much luck either. I told them about OFF. Hopefully they join up....

I live about 2 minutes from this spot and have wondered for the past 9 years how it would be. Please post any results if you go. I especially want to fish the pond in the north side of the highway between the river and hwy. Looks really good but I can't figure out where to park without being on the highway. If you park at 42nd and walk you can't get over the canal to get to it.

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