Fishing Detroit bass

just check 2 see if anyone has caught any of those largemouth bass that they say r in there????
I haven't heard if anyone's caught any lately. An ODFW guy told me last year that some angler caught one out of Detroit Rez and called ODFW to ask them about it. That's how ODFW found out that someone did some Midnite stocking....

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yea i heard they went an shocked some parts of the bank an they found like 5 largies a couple sunfish an 1 pumpkinseed! give that 4years an what out! that could b a good lake for them!
Detroit is a bit on the cold side for them to really take off. Let's hope not.

bigfootfish said:
Detroit is a bit on the cold side for them to really take off. Let's hope not.


craine praire i think freezes over? not sure! they get pretty big there if u find them! lots of food!
Seems like how low the reservoir gets in the winter would make the water move pretty quick, and cold. Maybe there are some big pools they could survive in? Seems like even if they did survive the lake is big enough and the species well enough established that they wouldn't effect the trout too much.
c_chickens said:
craine praire i think freezes over? not sure! they get pretty big there if u find them! lots of food!

I think a better analog would be Green Peter. Apparently the bass are doing well enough there that they have tournaments for them. If they can survive/thrive in Green Peter the same is likely true for Detroit.
c_chickens said:
craine praire i think freezes over? not sure! they get pretty big there if u find them! lots of food!

Darn good point there, CC. Who knows? People keep putting invasive species in places they perhaps shouldn't be caused all kinds of problems. Take Diamond Lake's past and more recent Antelope Reservoir.

its plenty deep enough! 80% of the fish in there r stocked trout! diamond lake had a blue-green alge so they killed everything off!(or most) devils lake had good bass fishing until the state put in grass crap! u add in a invasive species 2 get rid of another invasive species! davis lake, some1 did some night stocking an put some largies in there, an they held a fly fishing tourny there an took there catch an put it in prinnville res!
c_chickens said:
its plenty deep enough! 80% of the fish in there r stocked trout! diamond lake had a blue-green alge so they killed everything off!(or most) devils lake had good bass fishing until the state put in grass crap! u add in a invasive species 2 get rid of another invasive species! davis lake, some1 did some night stocking an put some largies in there, an they held a fly fishing tourny there an took there catch an put it in prinnville res!


I have witnessed a little pumpkinseed caught out of Detroit, I believe it was also my buddies first fish ever.
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