Fish scents

Has anybody tried making homeade fishing sents with glands of the fish catch then use the homeade sent to catch the same species of fish. The reason I'm asking is because I plan on making fishing sents for the next fishing trip. So far the only ingriediant I have is the puree glands. I have not decided if I'm going to keep them in the fridge or keep them in the tackle box. If I leave the sents at room temp they are going to smell bad by the time I use them.
Hmm that is very interesting!

What glands are these and where are they located in the fish? :think:
Thanks for the response. I know that it works when hunting. So I'm curious if it would work in fishing.

I don't have the location diagram in front of me right now and it only shows them in a sackeye salmon. I'm waiting to see about other fish.

A number of fishing sense ingreidiants I read about said nothing about glands.
This sounds retarded but why couldn't you keep the milt sacks of bucks and put them in the blender and use that stuff for scent?? :lol: It may work!

I know all those loose eggs you get after curing you eggs can be thrown into a scent cocktail.
Mike123 said:
This sounds retarded but why couldn't you keep the milt sacks of bucks and put them in the blender and use that stuff for scent?? :lol: It may work!

I know all those loose eggs you get after curing you eggs can be thrown into a scent cocktail.

Seriously, what fish couldn't resist a semen milkshake:lol:. I wish there was an " i'm about to puke" smilie.
Yeah, I don't plan on quitting my day job.
I thought I would run it though the pipeline.
If I can get the sent to work I will be able to save a bit on fishing sent funds.
metalmania said:
Seriously, what fish couldn't resist a semen milkshake:lol:. I wish there was an " i'm about to puke" smilie.

have you been seeing a lot of fish that just won't bite... or getting denials? I have never used any scent for anything but sturgeon... and Im not sure that really makes that much of a difference. A steelhead will bite a piece of yarn, a trout will attack piece of metal it can't even swallow.... a bass will slam a bare hook..... you may be over thinking this fishing thing, but if your just curious and want to build something cool I understand that, but scent can't overcome bad presentation or fishing in water with no fish. over and over again I have seen where multiple fishermen using multiple baits all catch fish with their offering... becouse they know how to offer it, and other could go through a five gallon bucket of roe.... and not catch a fish.
Yeah earler in the year I had an issue with presentaion. Both on the same day on the same strech strech of river. I was fishing Cuthroat trout. I was able to catch one of the two holding in calm water. The other would not bite. In a deeper hole I drew a chinook out of hiding but could not get it to take.

The sent idea may or may not work. There is something satifing about comming up with an idea putting the idea into action and seeing the results.

There will be a bit of learning curve I imagine.
I think scent helps out a lot.

Especially for salmon.

We fished East Lake one year and I can remember finding some NICE browns hunkering down next to the rock wall. We threw night crawlers with a tiny split shot against the wall and let them wiggle in front of the fishes nose.. NO BITES.
Then I applied my anise/hatchery trout food scent to my worm, WHAMO!
Fish on after fish on... Which reminds me I need to make some more of that stuff. Powderized hatchery pellets blended into anise scent.
Mike123 said:
I think scent helps out a lot.

Especially for salmon.

We fished East Lake one year and I can remember finding some NICE browns hunkering down next to the rock wall. We threw night crawlers with a tiny split shot against the wall and let them wiggle in front of the fishes nose.. NO BITES.
Then I applied my anise/hatchery trout food scent to my worm, WHAMO!
Fish on after fish on... Which reminds me I need to make some more of that stuff. Powderized hatchery pellets blended into anise scent.

So where do you get the hatchery pellets? At the Leaburg hatchery they're in a gumball machine. It would take a lot of quarters just to get a half pound.
TTFishon said:
So where do you get the hatchery pellets? At the Leaburg hatchery they're in a gumball machine. It would take a lot of quarters just to get a half pound.

Well I spent like a $1.50 for a pretty BIG sack of them.

It's only a quarter each time you twist it and you get a big handful each time.

Really all you need is .50 cents worth. ;)
What about powder scents? Like sand shrimp, herring, tuna, ect. Just a thought...
xtremenorthwest said:
What about powder scents? Like sand shrimp, herring, tuna, ect. Just a thought...

Ill take some Eric:)
metalmania said:
Seriously, what fish couldn't resist a semen milkshake:lol:. I wish there was an " i'm about to puke" smilie.

and just TRY explaining what you're doing to the wife/GF !! :lol:
This summer spent a few days at Diamond Lake. Didn't catch squat. One of the guys I went with caught fish every time he went out(from the dock). His secret was oil squeezed from cans of tuna fish, mixed with Lawry's Seasoned Salt.
Go figure.
Homemade 'Smelly Jelly'

Homemade 'Smelly Jelly'

Okay... I have seen (and tried) a lot of various scents through the years, but I have yet to find anything that works as well as the 'Smelly Jelly' brand, except maybe 'Marie's' brand.
However, I am cheap... and enjoy experimenting... so.... my own homemade sauce mix....

1 jar white Petroleum Jelly
2 teaspoons Olive oil
5 -10 Fish oil capsules
1 scent of your choice
1 pan boiling water
1 powdered food coloring of your choice

Heat the Petroleum Jelly and Olive oil in the pan of boiling water until liquid. Mix a small amount of the powdered food coloring into the Jelly, follow suit with the scent. Mix until throughly combined and pour into container(s) of choice. Smear a small amount on your fishing lure.

I have found multiple scents that seem to work well... The most promising is using the Krill and Shark liver oil as an attracting agent. Others are the oil skimmed off of fresh Salmon Eggs. Anise, Garlic, Shrimp oil and 'Gulp' juice all seem to work fairly well too. All of the PRO-Cure oil scents mix well with it as well. I tried adding the scales from my Sardines, Herring, Smelt and Anchovies to it and had limited success. Your choices of scents are unlimited!

When I was up at Wizard Falls hatchery, I bought a couple bucks worth of the fish food pellets... took them hole, ground them up and mixed them into my 'base' mix until it became a really gross, nasty looking goop! Spread it all over my lures when I went to Coffinberry lake and again when I went to Hagg lake... killed those stupid little hatchery fish. I would say it was probably a 15 to 1 catch ratio when fished at the boat ramp where they dump them in. Did well on the Bass too... figure those little hatchery fish must taste (and smell) like the food they were fed.

For colors... RED RULES... the closer to blood, the better... and green seems to work well too! What next.... Glitter?
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metalmania said:
Seriously, what fish couldn't resist a semen milkshake:lol:. I wish there was an " i'm about to puke" smilie.

I have this one.......
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Berkley Scent for Trout...a proven WINNER!

Berkley Scent for Trout...a proven WINNER!

I am a firm believer in scent for trout. Time and time again, I'll try fishing without scent and MAYBE get a bite or two. But, as soon as I add scent...Wham Bam Slam! I can't keep 'em off of my hook!

Depending on how the trout are suspended in the lake/reservoir/pond, I either use a slip/sliding sinker or slip/sliding bobber. This allows you to find the correct depth. And, the fish won't feel any resistance as they nibble, bump or pick up the bait.

I use two Berkley Power Eggs (usually 1 spring green and 1 simulate Berkley's Rainbow Power Bait). I also dab on either some spring green or orange Berkley's Power Jelly. Then, I add a few drops of Berkley's Trout Scent. This cocktail is deadly, at least on stocked trout. I landed 9 trout from 12 - 14" today at Alton Baker in Eugene using this method. Plus, I had twice that many bites. And, I did all of that in 2 hours.

BUT, when I use only the power eggs--or power bait--alone and without jelly and / or scent...I'm lucky to get 4 or 5 bites all day!

I'm "sold" on scent. At least sold on Berkley's mix.

P.S. I caught several of those fish today, on an "old school" hollow fiberglass Lamiglas "S-Glass" 5' U.L. rod. DAMN THAT WAS FUN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance::clap::D:yay::yay::yay:
After today I will never go without scent. I have a hand sanitizer obsession of sorts, and realized steelhead don't appreciate the alcohol scent..lame. So I rubbed a certain delicious scent into my hands, mmm smells so good..and it moisturizes too! (true story my hands are sooo smooth lol) soon as I did that, fish on.

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