First springer 09

I had too meet with my Insurance adjuster yesterday and as soon as we were done it was off to the river too meet up with my buddy and here is what we went home with...

nice one! hoping to be able to put one of those on the BBQ this week myself. been out a few times and had a couple of solid take-downs, but haven't made the connection yet.

:clap: :clap:
Very Nice!:D Sorry you had to meet with an insurance adjuster though. That is never for a good reason.:(

I got hit by some b*stard that doesn't look before he pulls out! I was in the fishermans parking lot on my way to pick up herring.
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Joe does a damn fine job out there, for sure. Nice feesh. Which way do you roll your Herring? Chris, call me. We are rockin out just above where you guys rallied yesterday. Thats the only reason why Weber has any Chinook fillets right now! Haha! And let me know if you need Herring. We have a bunch of really fresh goods.
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