Feb/Mar coastal steelheading w bobber


New member
I will be hitting the coastal rivers the coming weeks and curious what people feel is best to hang under my bobber. I hear a lot of talk of beads. Is that best? It doesn’t seem like anything is actively spawning so would not be my first instinct. Sand shrimp? Worm? Jig? I appreciate any advice. I’m a fly fisherman trying to expand my skillset and loving the challenge!
I will be hitting the coastal rivers the coming weeks and curious what people feel is best to hang under my bobber. I hear a lot of talk of beads. Is that best? It doesn’t seem like anything is actively spawning so would not be my first instinct. Sand shrimp? Worm? Jig? I appreciate any advice. I’m a fly fisherman trying to expand my skillset and loving the challenge!
1 bead. Don't over complicate it. If you aren't getting bites, try a jig. I stay away from the multiple bead or jig/bead bs. Keep it simple and you'll have your gear in the water longer and catch more fish. A jig guy is going to tell you to try the jig first...either way. I caught my first few dozen steelhead on flies. Use that experience to your advantage. Same water and similiar baits, different gear.

edit: by similar baits I mean that I fished glo bugs for steelhead almost exclusively so the move to beads was a no brainer. As far as nothing spawning so they aren't eating eggs.....it doesn't matter. This is one area where your fly fishing experience is going to mess with you. You aren't matching the hatch. I can't say why they grab beads, jigs, worms whatever but they just do. Sometimes size is a factor but I get bit on 16mm bright beads in low clear water all the time. So much so actually that I've stopped downsizing for clear water this year.
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Jamisonace My English teacher always said: K.I.S.S.(K)eep (I)t (S)imple (S)tupid). I have subscribed to your thinking. Tony
K.I.S.S. Yes, it applies to so many aspects of life. I pay close attention the best guides on the river. What color was that fish caught on? How much weight does it look like they were using? How long is the leader? Etc. Etc. Etc. One thing I've noticed is that none of them run more than one bait.

However, if you watch the guys that are trying to sell gear.... Anglers West espescially (probably Addicted but I don't watch them), they always run more than one and what you don't see is all the crap they lose. LOL
Jam.....e One special thing that I always do is check the stomach of all first legal keepers. You can tell a lot by this process. Feeding for instance bugs, worms, flies, hard shell bugs, etc. etc. Your catch will tell you feeding times morn. or eve. depending on decomposition process. With gathering of info, you can share with all on board for a successful day for all. I will also buy a Coast Guard topo map ($15.00) of bays and coastal areas of my local waters. I then plot all the above mentioned in your last post. Time, wind, bait, tide, water temps. weather, ang GPS. details of the catches size, wgt. and type of seaweed soft = slow waters, hard seaweed=fast waters. Each plant will tell you about the bottom, sand, rocky and plant life. I have caught many fish on tiny crabs(free) and barnacles/small clams. Who needs sand shrimp? A coffee can of small crabs will do if you crack the top of the shell and let the membrane ooze out drives fish CRAZY by way of suction. I mention to BASS sturgeon master how to turn ANY fish by strumming the line with rod tip in or out of the water. Oh! by the way ever see. COOKED crab at the supermarket WHOLE!!! not cracked and clean to sell. Restaurants cook crab whole THEN cracked & cleaned to serve. All you got to do is observe. Enough for now. Tony
Day 1, skunked. Fished Siletz. It was a touch high and off-color, so ended up @ moonshine. Threw a bead, tried a night crawler, and then a spinner. Tried a bobber and straight drifting, all to no avail. Eager to get back out as levels drop a bit more. Was wishing I had my fly rod, as I ended up close to where I used to do well for steelies…
PNW I think levels need (flow) to drop a bit more and be on color. Kudo's for getting out early you worm you, you never know. Worms come out at high water. Tony
After trying random stuff for a couple years and failing, i finally caught a few this season on only beads. Long, 4-5 ft leader under a float with a couple small split shots 18-24 inch above the bead. Try and get the bead close to bottom. Hope this helps. I Had the most luck on an orange 14mm bead
Sam.... My goto is 10mm crackel purple with a tooth pick touch of contrast color , pink, orange, red, and so on. ONLY if the run is in. 10%er after a 1000 cast rule lol. Tony
After trying random stuff for a couple years and failing, i finally caught a few this season on only beads. Long, 4-5 ft leader under a float with a couple small split shots 18-24 inch above the bead. Try and get the bead close to bottom. Hope this helps. I Had the most luck on an orange 14mm bead
The orange bead has been killer this year. Got one this morning on a 16mm.
I will be hitting the coastal rivers the coming weeks and curious what people feel is best to hang under my bobber. I hear a lot of talk of beads. Is that best? It doesn’t seem like anything is actively spawning so would not be my first instinct. Sand shrimp? Worm? Jig? I appreciate any advice. I’m a fly fisherman trying to expand my skillset and loving the challenge!
Kudo's for getting out early you worm you, you never know. Worms come out at high water. Tony
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