Fall Creek Res. 10-21-2009

Me and xltom and buddy took Tom's newly aquired boat and grabbed my motor and headed up to northshore. Launched sometime after 7 and fished until 5. The water was suprisingly warm from what i thought it would be this time of year so i had a suspicion it would be a good day. Tom was new to the hole idea of trolling so i showed him how i do it and think i made a believer out of him. Did a little bit of casting from the boat and the bank with minimal success. Coldn't have picked a better day to hit the water. I think we both got a little bit too much sun. We left with 9 nice fish 2 of them land locked chinook. Only a couple fished pushed the 1lb mark put all were nice fish. Took them back to Tom's and showed him a trick to peal the skin off. Then me and my old lady and him and his old lady had a grabbed some beers and had a nice little fish fry at my house. Bfishing even popped in just in time for dinner. All in all a very nice day.
And for some reason I forgot about the camera until after we cleaned the fish but when my computer and camera decide to get along i will post a picture.
Heres the only picture I took. Anyone who thinks there is know difference between native trout and pellet heads should take a close look at this pic. And all my pellet heads we hold overs of early planters. Any paler mea and i wouldn't have ate them.
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