Elk Lake? (near Bull of the Woods, not Bend)

Doing some backpacking this week in Opal Creek & Bull of the Woods and will be visiting Elk Lake in the process. Anyone know if the fishing's decent there?
elk lake is great for swimming, but I wouldnt even try fishing it unless you have a float. I was there a couple weeks ago for 3 days, and didn't even see any boats with any luck, and the people who go there a lot say it isn't much good. Its pretty shallow, and kind of hard to fish from the bank. a nice place to visit though if its middle of the week or early or late summer. (when theres not a ton of people there) for being so hard to get to, its a very noisy place. I wasn't impressed. If your going to be hiking, I would find some hike in only lakes. good luck and have fun, Brian
I have hiked all through the bull of the woods for years and now I still share the expierience with my son and daughter. all the lakes that you encounter are full of brookies but there so many they only get about 6" but there is no size or catch limit on brookies so load up if your lookig for a meal. I have caught fish using a colorado spinner tipped with worm, worm on the bottom, or bobber and worm. ive also done well tieing on a fly and a clear bobber the fly was close to imatating a black ant. at certain times the fly was deadly. any how good luck.


dont fish elk lake without a float tube or raft
ive limited out on brookies the three times ive been
also managed to catch a kokanee, no it wasn't a rainbow
Brookie limit ???

Brookie limit ???

All of the lakes in Oregon do not have a limit on brook trout. Im not trying to start any thing or upset any one by any means. :)
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