Eagle Creek Estacada

Has any one been out to EC in the last couple of days? If so, how was the fishing and did you see any fresh chromers? I am trying to decide if I should make the drive out there tomorrow morning, or if I should stay close to home and fish on the Yamhill River at the Lafayette locks. Thanks in advance!
Has any one been out to EC in the last couple of days? If so, how was the fishing and did you see any fresh chromers? I am trying to decide if I should make the drive out there tomorrow morning, or if I should stay close to home and fish on the Yamhill River at the Lafayette locks. Thanks in advance!

It probably won't be worth the drive up. Waters high and muddy and the fish are mostly darkies. There are a few chrome fish in there but you have to look real hard for em.
Thanks for the info. When were you there? Today? Did you catch?

I was there yesterday morning. I landed 6 and killed 2. Kept a bright buck for myself and gave away a hen. Only saw 8 fish and only one was really chrome, ofcourse it was the one that wouldn't bite anything:lol:.
I was there yesterday morning. I landed 6 and killed 2. Kept a bright buck for myself and gave away a hen. Only saw 8 fish and only one was really chrome, ofcourse it was the one that wouldn't bite anything:lol:.

Heya.. how high up were you? I hit Eagle Fern and below and hunted the better part of Friday morning and saw only a few darkies.. was still a lot of fun tho. :)
Heya.. how high up were you? I hit Eagle Fern and below and hunted the better part of Friday morning and saw only a few darkies.. was still a lot of fun tho. :)

I was up at the hatchery. There are fish down lower but with the water color you couldn't see many.
ive only fished that hatchery once, and i walked down stream in the creek. . .is that how everyone does it or was i trespassing? i know theres another trail that goes lower from where u park, but hell if i could find it.:lol:
You have to park half way down the road(right where it makes a sharp left turn) Then walk the trail and stay to the right(two other trails are actually peoples driveway). There are many rabbit trails and one leads you to the top hole/property line and you can either hike down river along side or go along one of many trails and there is just hole after hole. It was my first time yesterday. I arrived at 6 a.m. and I was the 3rd car....by the time I left at noon there were 13 cars. Lots of red/brown/black and just plain beat up fish, but there are still a few good keepers to be had. I can't wait for steelhead.:dance:
dang does it get that bad up there during the week???? want to go tomorrow for some C and R with my brother he hasnt ever done any salmon fishing so would be kinda nice if we could get a lil hole to ourselfs
It was Sunday so I am sure you can find plenty of holes to yourselves on a Tuesday. There are about three holes up from the main trail. If you see a bag that says trash and is full of trash on top of a rock that is about the highest you can go. The water should be nice and clear by now so you should have no problem seeing those fish. Even if you have to C&R everyone you guys should still have a blast!!!!!!Get there early around 6 and just go kill it for a few hours:lol:
yea if i can get him up that early... i just thought thats a good place to take someone for tere first salmon trip you at least get to see them so you know they are in there... Sam you busy tomorrow???
yea if i can get him up that early... i just thought thats a good place to take someone for tere first salmon trip you at least get to see them so you know they are in there... Sam you busy tomorrow???

Oh boy a cherry needs poppin, i'm in:lol:. I was planning on hitting it tommorow afternoon but probably not til 1 or so. The more sun on the water the easier it gets to spot the chromers:D.
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