E.C. tomorrow?

I finally got a day OFF, and am ready to land my first winter steelhead. Between Steelhead Stalkers jig's and TCO spinners, something is going get bonked!! Anybody care to join?
When are you going? Where are you hitting? and where can i meet ya?

I'm leaving wilsonville at 5, headed up to the hatchery holes, we could meet at the E.C. gas station, or up at the hatchery. I know it's early but, up there, the early fisherman get the good holes first! Sunrise is at 7:47, so we can start fishing at 6:47, and its a 20-30min hike
So far growbug, eggs, and myself are meeting at the EC gas station at 6am tomorrow. Waders are almost necessary if you are interested, and there is a decent hike involved so be prepared.
I need to remember to bring water.. I forgot last time and after fishing all day(plus a six-pack) I was hiking out.. got winded and with all the green leafs and fern around I got this sudden rush(like when your about to passout) and everything turned a green tint, even the sky, trees, gravel road.. it was like i put on green shades.. I blame dehydration and not me being out of shape!!
I need to remember to bring water.. I forgot last time and after fishing all day(plus a six-pack) I was hiking out.. got winded and with all the green leafs and fern around I got this sudden rush(like when your about to passout) and everything turned a green tint, even the sky, trees, gravel road.. it was like i put on green shades.. I blame dehydration and not me being out of shape!!

Just imagine hiking out tomorrow with 20+ pounds of dead chrome!! Yeah bring plenty of water so that we can wash the blood and guts OFF our hands at the end of the day!!
up late

up late

I will try to join you after I take the wife to work, the kid to preschool, take out the garbage, walk the dog....
never mind
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Hopefully we get rain this week and water will be dropping on the weekend.
I stopped by Bonnie yesterday btw, There was about 5 guys plunking and 1 drifting. They said they caught 4 a few days ago but nothing that day.
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