Drain ditch Coho

so seen around 15 ho's today up in Boring oregon spawning in a drain ditch up by my girlfriends. I went to go check them out to see if they were nates or not and all of them were!!! kinda cool to see some native fish in it because it runs down to Deep creek then the clack... ODFW was up there a few guys told me.They asked them to call the cops if they seen anyone messing with them. The few land owners are really looking after the fish we were just down taking pics and had a few guy come down and one was kinda was rude to us thinking we were messing with them.... I seen one hen spit her eggs and a buck milk them witch was WAY cool to see in person. Ill have pics up soon!!!
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Sweet dude! Ive recently seen a similar scenario in Johnson Creek! These fish are everywhere man! I hope its a sign of things to come.
yea have to wait to get them from my girls mom but when i do ill put them up!
You didn't give those two love cohos any privacy??:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Just kidding, I would've video tape them also.
Oh great now there is going to fish porn all over the web.:lol::lol:
markcanby said:
oh great now there is going to fish porn all over the web.:lol::lol:

fish porn rocks!!!
those fish are only 3 years old! YUCK guys :D

those are hatchery strain fish that have been spawning in the top of deep creek for years and years. I've seen packs of hundreds and hundreds of hatchery coho go up deep creek.
they look "wild" (intact adipose) simply because they are the offspring of hatchery coho that naturally spawned up there in one of the high water events a few years ago.
Very cool I agree, but they're just from hatchery fish that got lost/wandered and were successful in spawning.
thats what i kinda thought but wasn't sure.... that creek was so dirty a few days back like pure brown mud!!!! would that maybe make them push futher upstream???
Do hatchery fish taste different then natives in the senereo above? why yuck? If I where in your shoes I would be extatic about seing these fish there, but then all of a sudden I get let down because they are not native? I don't get you point right away besides to educate and praise?

To me it is like asking for a real Sarbucks coffee form a real Starbucks :). Do i have to go in to like it.
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fishtales said:
Do hatchery fish taste different then natives in the senereo above? why yuck? If I where in your shoes I would be extatic about seing these fish there, but then all of a sudden I get let down because they are not native? I don't get you point right away besides to educate and praise?

To me it is like asking for a real Sarbucks coffee form a real Starbucks :). Do i have to go in to like it.

osmosis said:
those fish are only 3 years old! YUCK guys :D

I think the yuck was a joke to the hole fish porn coment and them only being three years old.

As far as being nates they aren't true nates they are hatch fish that have spawned outside of the hatch and have NOT had the extra fin clipped off this making them fish we can not keep. For the taste I don't think they would taste any different but don't no for sure beings we can NOT keep nates coho. As far as I know there isn't and never has been a true nate run of coho in the clack or any of it's small streams. Now I could be mistaken on this and I'm sure if I am someone will chime in here and let us know.

I hope this helps answer what you are wanting to know.

Good story by the way Tom, that had to have been something to see that's for sure. I can't wait to see the pics.

bigdog said:
I think the yuck was a joke to the hole fish porn coment and them only being three years old.

As far as I know there isn't and never has been a true nate run of coho in the clack or any of it's small streams. Now I could be mistaken on this and I'm sure if I am someone will chime in here and let us know.

Pretty sure there WAS a true native Coho run in the Clack, and they might still be the decendants of the real deal. But fish couldnt make it up river past Cazadero from 1917 until 1939. So any native fish would had to have spawned mainstem beneath Cazadero and the creeks between there and the mouth.

As with bigdog, I could be mistaken and Im also sure someone will chime in here and let us know.:)
yea the other post of fish in the boring creek is the same place as i was! my girls mom still hasnt send me the pics yet
fishtales said:
Do hatchery fish taste different then natives in the senereo above? why yuck? If I where in your shoes I would be extatic about seing these fish there, but then all of a sudden I get let down because they are not native? I don't get you point right away besides to educate and praise?

To me it is like asking for a real Sarbucks coffee form a real Starbucks :). Do i have to go in to like it.

YUCK!! Because look at `em. He was kiddin dude. I don`t think any one actually knows, in fact without a scale sample and some tests we don`t know that they are that of hatchery parents, BUT...http://columbian.com/article/200906...f+hatchery+fish+carry+reproductive++handicap+

Sarbucks from Starbucks?
fishtopher said:
pretty sure there was a true native coho run in the clack, and they might still be the decendants of the real deal. But fish couldnt make it up river past cazadero from 1917 until 1939. So any native fish would had to have spawned mainstem beneath cazadero and the creeks between there and the mouth.

As with bigdog, i could be mistaken and im also sure someone will chime in here and let us know.:)


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