Dorman Pond



I hear that there is some bass in Dorman Pond, is this true and if it is is it able to be fished all year long?

Welcome to the premier fishing forum in the NW. You will meet hundreds of like-minded fisher folk here who really like helping each other out as much as possible. It would help greatly to know where you are generally located. I have never fished Dorman Pond and so don't know anything at all to help. I would suggest either a search on this site to see if any other member has fished it or call the ODFW number in the regs. Good luck and be safe.
New to the forum and was also interested in any angling results at Dorman Pond. Plan on hitting this today and will post any noteworthy statistics / experiences.
As promised, a follow-up. Angling was not bad, caught a couple and noted that quite a few folks along the shore and in small boats were having pretty good luck. Only Rainbows as far as I could tell. State Police was out checking licenses and said they did not think there were any bass in there either. Happy angling.
Ha thats funny I saw some guys land about a 3lb smallmouth outta there today. I caught five bluegill ranging from 4-8 inches.
hello everyone. just the other day i was out there with a buddy and we watched a pink carp swin the bank foraging for food for about 3 hours while we fished. I used my secondpole to try to get the big sucker... but no avail.

I bet there is a bass or two for sure out there. I've caught a few hybid bass outta hagg bout a week ago so i don't doubt someone helped a few bass get in dormnas over the last few years... doubtful that there are none. saw so far; perch, crappie, bluegill and trout come outta dormans but i want a catfish... odfw says there are some out there... i'd like to see that. i fished on the bottom with 5 different baits for bout 5-6 hours with not even a bite.
I have fished Dorman a few times in the last couple weeks and caught several small blue gill and warmouth bass. I have not caught anything worth keeping. Hope this helps...
just wondering if anyone knows if they stocked dorman pond yesterday, today, or haven't yet (I know its scheduled for this week sometime)? Stopped by on the way home last saturday to scope it out. Just looked like a big mud puddle as usual with lots of garbage since they haven't done the yearly clean up thing yet.
Call the stocking confirmation number. It's on the stocking schedule on the ODFW website it was also posted somewhere here earlier today.
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