Anyone care to share? Please?
youngbuck307 said:i would think you could google it and so you have directions from your house all the way there... and once you get to the last road go down it you will see a bunch of cars parked on the left park there and walk down what looks like a driveway (it is) after maybe 100yrds or more your going to come to a Y and go right. the trails will lead you down to the holes. good luck out there its WAY low crap thing was higher when i was fishing coho. But i fished today from the deadline down to what i call cliff hole seen one downstreamer (or way late ho) and one darker hen taken and that was it.... should of been there about 2 weeks ago i think
youngbuck307 said:had to tell 2 people just where to walk down at today alone... just dont seem right when your there..... seen one guy park up top then start to walk down the main road all the way to the hatch. witch i didn't get if your going to walk down there wouldnt you park right there lol....
youngbuck307 said:I know my way around up there if you need some one to show you around send me a pm all I will need is a ride up there and back because my car is down for maybe anouther week (getting taxes back so ill put a motor in it thinking 327, all i have to do then is chang my name to youngbuck327 lol) its really slow up there right now though so if i were you i would give it a lil bit unless you got nothing better to do or go, but i would hit upper sandy befor EC right now... trust me it was way low and clear.. there isn't much in there today. meet up with 3 ass holes that fish the river all the time :lol:jk guys! and they had to fish hard to get one fish today and they know that place well!
Flymstr said:I will be there tomorrow. let's see what i get. I think I can get into at least 6 fish, but you never know. Hope for the best. i will post pics on my web site.
youngbuck307 said:yea yea yea your the best we all knowcan't wait to have some 6 fish days.... i know what im doing out there just need to work a few things out and maybe i could get into a few more here and there
Ya women are funny that way,go figureThen I better be at home or my ass is grass and she is the lawnmower! lol