Diamond Lake, our last trip of the season!

My wife and I spent the last weekend and Monday at the Diamond. The weather was ...well, rainy. We cauht fish and got wet. Monday the rain left and even got some sunshine on occasion. Every trip to the Diamond we get a little better at figuring out this lake. Some people find it easy but we found that it will only produce the average size fish (12"-16") if you use average techniques. We discovered that the fish's stomachs were full of little black snails so we moved into the shallow and fished the weed beds. Normally I would stay out of the weeds or fish the edges because cleaning off the weeds every cast is not a fun day. We found fish on the finder and anchored right in the deep weeds and used bait and scent to attract them in and that helped them find the bait. Here is some of the results. :dance:


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Nice fish! I've always wanted to get down there to those fish in fall, but there's so many damn salmon up here in the Valley that I never have made it yet.
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