diamond lake blackbird derby

Four of us went up to the Diamond lake BIG fish Trout derby. We got there around 5 a.m, pulled in just in time to put the boat right in.....a large line formed behind us. Got out toward the middle of the lake, and got our gear together until 6am rolled around. We began catching fish right away. after watching my friends catch fish, my bite finally came. It was a fat 2.4 pound trout, beautiful fish. The midge flies were insane out on the water, swarms and swarms of them...i guess it was better then if they were mosquito's. With boats everywhere and tons of people hooking up fish, we fished different spots in the lake. Saw one of the most insane sights I've ever seen, as my buddy was reeling in my other friend pointed out a bunch of large flashes just below the surface..."what is that, he asked".......wow, that's a ford fender with a monster trout pulling it around. As soon as he saw us...it zoomed back to the depths, who knows how big the fish really was. Definitely a once in a lifetime sight. Most of us know that it would take a bigger fish to be able to maneuver around with all that gear attached to it... The sun was beating down, the wind didn't get onto the water till about the end of the tournament. So you couldn't have asked for more at diamond lake. Biting fish and beautiful weather......we caught a lot of fish, most in the 13 inch range. With a 2.4 and a 2.6 pound trout being our biggest.
Didn't get into the money but coming in 45 or so out of 1000 people felt pretty good. maybe the luck will be as good next year....maybe better.
Props to the young boy in line behind us at the weigh in...his fish was awesome...probably 26 inches and 5 pounds, hopefully he takes the money home our fish weren't much of a match for some of the nice fish that were caught but, was super happy with the quality of fish we caught. we had an amazing time up there, can't wait till next year........PS if you see the party patrol boat motoring around, make yourself known that your in the tournament because they will just pass you right by and you can watch as they toss T-shirt to other contestants.
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sounds like the derby had a good turn out. I'm not into crowds so I hope you left a few hawgs for us this week. Leaving in a couple of hours. By the way whats the bait of choice? To bad your buddy couldn't have snaged those ford fenders as they passed by. Maybe he would have gotten a nice fish with some tackle for a bonus.
yes a few times i thought our boat was gonna get "bumped". and sherman, i seen a fatty with your name on it swimin around, good luck buddy can't wait to hear how u do!......we used power bait, and worms,.....although wish it was more of a lure lake
Aaahhhh yes, Diamond Lake is my favorite place to get those huge trouts! I was there this time last year and was supposed to head out there yesterday for our annual fishing trip but this new job no longer allows me the freedom to fish as I please. Good job, looks like you did great!
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