dead skunk, nook and steelhead...

Finally... I have been fishing since march with nothing to show (girlfriend doesn't even think I go fishing anymore)
well that all changed this last Sunday.
little hungover from our attempt at the PDX Adult Soapbox Derby, but I decided to take my toon out and float a nearby WA. river.
well I ended up with a 10# steel and my buddy ended up with a 30# nook.
I was tossing a few spinners, but we caught the nook on drift gear and caught the steelhead on fresh eggs from that large nook
see pics below.

can't wait to slay some more.
here fishy, fishy, fishy.
I wish I could take credit for the nook, but there are going to be plenty to be had, and I will get my own.

thanks to all of you... couldn't have done it without your help.

there were quite a few snaggers out there already, but luckily I didn't see any of them actually catch anything... just harassing/stressing out the fish

now I need to find a good recipe for this steelhead.
congrats on the steel.

A recipe I used on some store bought is as follows:

Thai peanut sauce
Thai sweet and sour sauce
fresh tomatoes
olive oil.

Take tinfoil and coat with olive oil and lay the fillets skin side down.
Next take the two Thai sauces and mix equal portions of them together, brush a good coating of the sauce on the fish.
top with slices tomatoes.

barbeque until meat is done.

nice fish

I like to smoke my steelhead.
lots of good stuff you can make with smoked fish.

I then make a smoked steely spread with cream cheese, worchestire sauce, dill, green onion, and a bit of hot sauce. REALLLLLLY good with ritz or wheat thins.

Also I like to make a white sauce with the smoked fish in it on top of penne.
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