Day on the sandy

Had a wonderful day on the sandy today. Spent 12 hours out there stopping at oxbow, dodge, garbage hole and went to a few places up the road from gabage hole. There was a lot of fish rolling every where but there was not to many hook ups. I snagged 4 throwing spinners. Coming home with no dinner is always a bummer but nothing beats a day on the river!

The River would make a wonderful girlfriend, looks great in the mornings and never complains! Just one thing i was thinking about today while I was out there.
I agree! It would make a great girlfriend but just remember that it also makes her the village bicycle! All those fishermen and fisherwomen are wanting her attention as well...
chrisohm said:
I agree! It would make a great girlfriend but just remember that it also makes her the village bicycle! All those fishermen and fisherwomen are wanting her attention as well...

Ya and just when you least expect it she sucks ya to the bottom and then spits ya out and you find yourself gasping for air wondering what the heck just happened.
Ya she'd make a great girlfriend until a huge storm comes and she turns into a raging lunatic!
Wouldn't that be considered PMS? Mother nature is a lovely lady! As long as she brings shiny presents...
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