Since I hadn't heard any replies - I was gonna get off my lazy *** and check it out for myself. Got my poles all ready, and packed up all my stuff last night, set my alarm for 4:15AM, planning on hitting the hole for a couple hours then get to work by 8:00.
Went to bed excited and pretty confident I'd catch a fatty before work...I was worried what I was gonna do with the large Salmon I would have to deal with.."hmmm, should I buy ice? Go borrow my brother's bigger icebox? Would the fish be ok if I put it on ice then went home during my lunch break to fillet it? Should I ask my mother-in-law to smoke some of it?"....
....Then completely overslept and woke up at 8:47 today to a call from my boss wondering where the hell I was. Hahaha.
So...anyone having any luck at the dam hole?:lol: