Daddy little Fatty!

First one in the hole at 4 am ( as usual):D, "you can sleep all ya want when your dead" is my motto! Shakers everywhere, then the crowd shows up and their picking of keepers here and there with a group of 3 very nice guys from woodland, nailing 2 nice keepers right next to me! The bite is on and off, the day is awesome! The guys from woodland give me some "fresh Cowlitz smelt", as they leave, and the bite is back on! Then about 5pm it's , and this is every 5 minutes, 35", 37",37" 37 1/2", and believe me, I see a pattern developing on the end of my rod! I felt like a little kid again, just like that time I fished with Troutski! then bingo, bango, bongo! It's hammer time:dance:, and i'm getting hammered! 15 minutes later and a few real long runs right to the bottom! A nice 47" (53", old school) Keeper! A special thanks to my best buddy for holding his bladder for 8 hrs! Ezra the pot licker Black Lab! Fishing was on the willy in the downtown Portland area. Fish, with a salmon rod (although, you will get a buttkicking, with a big fish) to feel the light bite's, they are all light! Mounted with a Sturgeon reel, don't want to tear the gut's out of that $100 salmon reel! This was my personal best for a keeper too! Now I have to push into that 50" range! :pray:

Great report and a nice gator to boot. :clap:
The smile says it all

The smile says it all

Is that the BBQ I smell? :D Great job getting into so many and especially the one in the pic. Good dog! Enjoy! Be safe.
What a difference?

What a difference?

What a contrast with my report for the Upper Willamette. I guess we were both enjoying the same great weather though.

Thanks for the report, nice gator.

good job!

good job!

yep, thats a nice fish.... but the boat sets my heart aflutter!!! ya gotta love a thunder jet!!

" most my money I spent on boats, beer and trucks....the rest of it I wasted"
Jealous of the Thunder Jet and the Sturg!:lol:
man, i have only been ou sturgeon fishin once this year, i need to go more i guess:shock:
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