Curious......How would you feel?

I was discussing with my wife this Cabelas fishing contest that has been going on out at Hagg and Detroit and the question was posed to me. "How would you feel if say you caught a tagged fish after 7/14 when the contest ends" For me it would be a bit funny and I wouldnt be able to help not laugh. I was just curious how many people may reel in one of those tagged fish after 7/14 just to have all their hopes fade away when they are told the contest is no longer running.

So, all my fellow OFFer's, "How would you feel"

Thanks all, just thought I would throw out the topic.

Good luck out there.
to be honest,i doubt there even is any million dollar fish,,it sounds like a ploy to get people to register at cabelas,,,,from what i see the only way you can claim the money is if your registered with them.....great marketing ploy though.
Folks, it's a LOTTERY. Catching any of the tagged fish, is NOT a guarantee that you will win anything at all! You do NOT automatically win a million (or any other amount).

Plus, there are tagged fish in multiple states. So, your chances of winning any amount of $$ is probably less than playing Powerball or any other "game". Or, about the same as getting struck twice by lightning; or breaking a state fishing record 5 consecutive times. Comprehend?

Big Steel is's a marketing scheme to get everyone talking about "Cabela's".
And their marketing has definitley worked. I have had dozens of people ask me if I have heard of the million dollar fish in Hagg and if I have registered. I tell them yes and I now get all of the Cabelas junk emails. If I was to catch a tagged fish after the contest ends I would laugh and put the tag in my tackle box as a conversation piece.
I'd be laughing about me catching a Bass since I never fish for them in the first place! :lol: Tag or no tag I'm laughing!
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