Crystal Lake


Well-known member
Yesterday chris61182 posted information about Crystal Lake so today I just had to check it out - it's just 2.5 mnts from my house. :D

The first thing I saw when I got there was a big sign that was hard not to notice with "Crystal lake apartment tenants only" on the top. And what to do now - turn back after driving ALL THE WAY DOWN HERE? :lol: Let's read the sign this way "Crystal lake". The name of lake, right? And then "apartment tenants only". I live in an apartment, lucky me - I can fish here. :lol:

The lake looks just great. The water is clear, there are a lot of creatures all around.

And there are fish here, too. I know for sure there are a lot of little bluegills. :D

And it looks like there is bass here, too. I mean if there is a baby bass, he has to have parents, right? ;)
I wouldn't go so far as to call those bluegills little! Unless you've got a really tiny hand that's almost big enough to be worth pan frying, yum panfish! :)

And actually I always thought crystal lake was that mud hole on the other side of that masonic cemetery, but this pond looks much nicer! I wish I had given that little lake a look while I was still down there.
Ummm I may be wrong and I hate to rain on your parade but on the sign it says "Crystal Lake Tenants Only" and under that it says "No trespassing, violators will be prosecuted and vehicles will be towed." Now I know it's a short walk back to your house if they tow your car, but a trespassing charge is a pain in the ass, and expensive. All the manager would have to do is look out not recognize you and you are pretty much hosed. However, I do commend you for being a scoff-law and doing what you please so long as doesn't hurt anyone. :dance:
You're probably right haha I'm no one to talk. I used to support the illicit activities that went on there once upon a time :dance: Ahhhh the memories. :D:D
I wouldn't go so far as to call those bluegills little! Unless you've got a really tiny hand that's almost big enough to be worth pan frying, yum panfish! :)

I actually do have pretty tiny hand :D Though, that guy I'm holding in my hand was fat enough to be fried.
I fish quite often at that pond and no one really cares as long as you dont make a mess or nothing. That pond has produced some big bass by the way... just to let you know (summer time mainly). I wouldnt worry about getting in trouble there.
yeah kigerisland and i fish that over the summer, our largest pull from two hours was around 20+ bluegill and a couple bass, the biggest bass that either of us has pulled (pics in "going after a big girl" in the bass section) was about 15 inches and pretty fiesty...:D
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