Crescent info Sunday?

Any info on crescent lake lakers right now. Seen a few good reports. Trying to go sunday but not sure if I can get to the ramp or not and how is the pass? And I have a fish finder and downriggers this year so don't tell me not to go.


The last report I got was from fish-on-bend, he posted a few pictures on Ifish. Still quite a bit of snow, four wheel drive needed chains. Now that was last week, things change quickly. Any one have the phone number of the resort up there? I know they are open all year long.

I called the lodge and geard some guys got several fish last week and a few keepers. Wish I would have seen this before I went, never seen it it new posts again. Going to reseach ifsh before I go out again. fished from first legal till about 8 for browns trolling 3 different rapalas way behind the boat along the east shore. then went out to the other end where I had seen guys getting them last year. could find much on the finder so I called the lodge and they said they had been catching them back were I was at earlier. Headed back over to the east end and marked several fish along the slight slant uphill towards the shore from 120 to 75 feet down. Snowed the whole time and a few inches had fallen by the time we left around 10:30. Forgot the camera in a drunkin morning scramble with 2 hours of sleep. Dog new that the snow was were she needed to be. Played around in it for awhile and headed home. Had so much snow in the boat. It was sticking to just about everything and had ice on the rods and downriggers. Need to get some longer cable and mark them every 10 feet since the counters don't always go with the line and seems like the cable slips over it sometimes instead of turning the pulley. Also need bigger balls. tink at a slow troll only was 60 to 70 feet down with 100 feet of cable. That part of the reason we left and also the snow made it hard to want to try to rig up something else like a diver or something since the downrrigers failed. Got a lead on another mini troll for cheap so I will have on for the guy in the middle fish out the back very soon but probably won't use them again until I uprgrade the cable/depth/ball wieght. Want to get back up again and get my first laker.

Oh water temp was 37* and it was in the upper 20's outside. Not windy but not glass. Low visibility at times due to snow flurries.
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The last report I got was from fish-on-bend, he posted a few pictures on Ifish. Still quite a bit of snow, four wheel drive needed chains. Now that was last week, things change quickly. Any one have the phone number of the resort up there? I know they are open all year long.


Thats crazy bet the girl at the ladge was talking about his trip. I seen his report on and spurred the interest in the trip. that guy knows how to do it.
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