Crabbing closed!


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[h=1]Recreational crabbing closed from Tillamook Head to California border[/h] Friday, November 18, 2016

Newport, Ore.-- The Oregon Department of Agriculture and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife announced the immediate closure of recreational and commercial bay crabbing from Tillamook Head to the California border due to elevated levels of domoic acid. This includes Dungeness and red rock crab harvested in bays and estuaries, off docks, piers, jetties, and the ocean.

Elevated domoic acid levels were found in the viscera of Dungeness crab collected between Cascade Head and Cape Falcon, triggering a biotoxin closure. The remaining areas of the coastline are being closed out of precaution while more samples are being processed. Additional sample results will be used to inform the reopening areas and the opening of the ocean crab fisheries, which are scheduled to open December 1.

Crab harvesting from Tillamook Head north to the Columbia River remains open, although it is recommended that crab always be eviscerated prior to cooking. Evisceration includes removing and discarding the internal organs and gills.
Despite the closure, crab and shellfish products sold in retail markets and restaurants remain safe for consumers.

Domoic acid or amnesic shellfish toxin can cause minor to severe illness and even death. Severe poisoning can result in dizziness, headaches, vomiting and diarrhea. More severe cases can result in memory loss and death. Shellfish toxins are produced by algae and originate in the ocean. Toxins cannot be removed by cooking, freezing or any other treatment. ODA will continue to test for toxins in the coming weeks. Removal of the advisory requires two consecutive tests in the safe range.
Damn...So much for going this morning:mad-new: Guess the guests coming for Thanksgiving won't be having crab:sad:Thanks for the 411
Gulfstream;n600243 said:
Damn...So much for going this morning:mad-new: Guess the guests coming for Thanksgiving won't be having crab:sad:Thanks for the 411

Hey I went to Netarts yesterday.........soooooooooo mine are no good?
They only tested 1 spot in the entire closure area,so I would not worry.Hopefully they will test in several more specific areas and we can get out prior to T DAY!
just a hunch on my part but the razor clam and mussel DA levels ticked up in late Sept. and hit very high levels by mid-Oct, crabs live in the same water but are not filter feeders, they eat critters that can have DA in them, so they probably expect a spike in crab DA levels about a month or so after the initial high levels are seen in stuff they eat. So the initial high crab data taken from Cape Falcon to Cascade Head would confirm this pattern and even without actual test from southern OR, the spike in razor clam DA there (to 190!!!) makes high DA in the crab there all but certain.

the good news, DA flushes out of most stuff quickly, mussels already are low so hopefully the spike in crab levels will be short lived, razors must grow to dilute the DA so I would not expect them to open again until perhaps next March or April...cheers, roger
I just spoke with Big Ben and he/they ate a dungie and 2 reds with no ill effects. since we won't eat them till T-day I think I'll hold on to mine. I did cook mine cleaned where he cooked his whole. There were a lot of people crabbing Fri. (crabbing was slow) everyone was saying they weren't getting many. So It seems there would be a lot of sick people around very soon.
I would not recommend eating them, my brother in law got crab from Netarts on Friday. He ate five crab and had diarea and vomiting last night. Two other people ate crab in his family but only a one crab each and they have been fine. It is possible he had a stomach flu but I would say it is not worth the risk.
I would not recommend eating them, my brother in law got crab from Netarts on Friday. He ate five crab and had diarea and vomiting last night. Two other people ate crab in his family but only a one crab each and they have been fine. It is possible he had a stomach flu but I would say it is not worth the risk.
OK that's good for me 1 out of 3 aren't good odds

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Domoic Acid: because if you enjoy barfing and explosive diarrhea, you'll love doing them both at the same time!

Domoic Acid: the short-term memory loss is a welcome friend, especially if someone else helps clean-up after the 3 or 4 hours of fun leading up to when you stop remembering stuff.

Domoic Acid: relax, a couple days of Gatorade and Pepto Bismol and you'll probably be good as new...
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"Tillamook Head" ..... is that where ecola state park is? that point sticking out between seaside and cannon beach?
Yes it's about 20 miles south of the Columbia River Bar 45.56.62N X 123.59.35W Domoic Acid is bad stuff. Time to eat ribs, until this goes away!
new data out confirms that the expected spike in crab DA levels definitely happened in late Nov. and continues into early Dec., looks like the sport and commercial closure will continue at least a few more weeks...

11/30/16 Ocean Crab:
OR/WA border to Cape Falcon Viscera 2.2
Cape Falcon to Cascade Head Viscera 28.0
Cascade Head to Heceta Head Viscera 34.0
Heceta Head to Cape Blanco Viscera 35.0

Cape Blanco to CA border Viscera 13.0
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