Columbia River spring chinook

An Im sure they will make sure to break it OFF after they give it to us.:(
Spring chinook

Spring chinook

You can bet your last dollar, ODFW does not care what the sporties
get or don't get. They are there to protect Astoria and they will tell
you so.
WA's governor has made a stand for the sportie's.:clap:
Let's see where that goes.:pray:
loubob said:
You can bet your last dollar, ODFW does not care what the sporties
get or don't get. They are there to protect Astoria and they will tell
you so.
WA's governor has made a stand for the sportie's.:clap:
Let's see where that goes.:pray:

Maybe I need to start getting my WA fishing tags I heard they have great runs over there.
bigdog said:
Maybe I need to start getting my WA fishing tags I heard they have great runs over there.

I fish more than the CR, or I would:dance:
loubob said:
I fish more than the CR, or I would:dance:

I fish more then that as well but still thinking of geting one from there though. That would be that many more areas to fish. Have a good day in oregon get your limit earlly and hit wa and try for more over there :dance:
loubob said:
You can bet your last dollar, ODFW does not care what the sporties
get or don't get. They are there to protect Astoria and they will tell
you so.
WA's governor has made a stand for the sportie's.:clap:
Let's see where that goes.:pray:

My thought is that ODFW goes where the money is. Special interest money, that is. Doesn't seem to matter to them that sporties spend way more than special interest gives them, and I think the difference is this: sporties spend the bulk of their money in the community, in the form of gear, bait, gas for the trip, food for the trip, etc. Special interests money is spent differently, going more directly(or indirectly<insert wink here>) to the 'powers that be'.
I think that people, for the most part, tend to over analyze this issue: it's about money, plain and simple. IMHO
rainman said:
My thought is that ODFW goes where the money is. Special interest money, that is. Doesn't seem to matter to them that sporties spend way more than special interest gives them, and I think the difference is this: sporties spend the bulk of their money in the community, in the form of gear, bait, gas for the trip, food for the trip, etc. Special interests money is spent differently, going more directly(or indirectly<insert wink here>) to the 'powers that be'.
I think that people, for the most part, tend to over analyze this issue: it's about money, plain and simple. IMHO

I agree I have always thought it was about the money.
There is too much money to be made "saving the fisheries" for it ever to happen. You don't think the powers that be would be willing to gie up all of their funding do you? They would lose their jobs.....If the fish runs recovered there would be no more money.
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