Coho silver salmon?

i love how they get there number. there a boat there 2 fish so on and so on. id bet money they havnt checked in all those numbers just guesses
Gonna have to take momma and the boy down to fish for a while....Like a dummy, I didn't buy a new hatchery tag when I filled the last one and actually put a few brats on the regular one....who knew fall fish were going to like my brine so well....
Gonna have to take momma and the boy down to fish for a while....Like a dummy, I didn't buy a new hatchery tag when I filled the last one and actually put a few brats on the regular one....who knew fall fish were going to like my brine so well....
Thats not a bad thing to be in that situation. But I understand the feeling.
The only reason I would concider keeping a wild coho is they don't take being hooked well and up to 70% die anyway....I don't target them, but do ocassionally get one when trolling the flats before slack tide in shallow water...
Gonna have to take momma and the boy down to fish for a while....Like a dummy, I didn't buy a new hatchery tag when I filled the last one and actually put a few brats on the regular one....who knew fall fish were going to like my brine so well....
I didn't intend for this to sound like it did....the only bad thing about this is going to be to the fish population:dance:
I will need to use the force though so as not to be too controlling to the fam....
You have to call ODFW to get the to minute dates. I think your siletz is safe to retain by a decent margin. And no, I wont split the ticket with you if im wrong.
Yup. I get email alerts from odfw about closures. Lots of unknowing people on the river this week. Everything is closing quickly. I don't buy that 900 hos were harvested in the siuslaw though when they closed it.
i know there wasn't. they dont even check fish in. they guess on number of boats and people. but it was 675 fish quata was goten
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