Cleaning sturgeon???

Whats the best way to clean and prepare a sturgeon???


Great question,I've been meaning to ask the same one. I understand they taste like lobster if cooked right. I just don't know what that method is. C'mon you fish cooker-uppers,fill us in!
Be safe.
I've only cleaned one using instructions that I got off the net.
Using a razor blade I scored 2" wide strips just under the skin from the head to the tail, pulled the skin off the meat with pliers then used a fillet knife to cut the meat off the carcass. I removed all the red meat off once filleted. I've read that some people take the spine out and all the stuff, but why bother, this way was less messy. BTW I skinned and filleted it on my truck's tailgate.

Then a small portion for two, I cut into 1" cube, put them in a sauce pan then poured a couple of cans of 7-up in. I boiled until they floated. They tasted just like lobster.
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Sounds tasty

Sounds tasty

Seon said:
I've only cleaned one using instructions that I got off the net.
Using a razor blade I scored 2" wide strips just under the skin from the head to the tail, pulled the skin off the meat with pliers then used a fillet knife to cut the meat off the carcass. I removed all the red meat off once filleted. I've read that some people take the spine out and all the stuff, but why bother, this way was less messy. BTW I skinned and filleted it on my truck's tailgate.

Then a small portion for two, I cut into 1" cube, put them in a sauce pan then poured a couple of cans of 7-up in. I boiled until they floated. They tasted just like lobster.

Thanks for the info,sounds like a plan. I do wish I had eaten breakfast before I looked at the picture...:shock: :confused: :lol:
Thanks again. Be safe.
Thanks for the info! I Look forward to the feast.:D
I first admit I kind of go into overkill mode on sturgeon,It can be the best fish or the worse! First I skin by removing the fins, then all the barbs in strips, then the skin, Then I fillet out each side, Then I get every piece of red fat off,(if you don't it will be the worse piece of fish you ever had, take it all off and it will be the best) every piece, it will ruin the meat and it also holds all the bad stuff, I also try to get as much of the yellow fat off, until I can't take it any more, this is not as critical as the red, by any means!

My new favorite recipe for sturgeon is deep fried! It is the bomb!
Rice flour
Canola oil

Rice flour in Asian section of store (very fine flour), Panko there too, cheaper stuff in bread crumb section, eggs, oil, well even I could find those:lol:

Cut into 1/2" wide by 2 to 3 " long, dip into rice flour coat good, dip into egg wash, then Panko, then put on cookie sheet and freeze for 25 minutes Then put into a pot with oil that is good and hot, only put in enough oil to be about 1" to 2" deep or so, to deep is not good, it is done when they are golden brown or float around 4 minutes, the more batches, the less time, oil is getting hotter, first batch might be a little dark, don't worry those the cook can steal, they just do that! Let sit for a little bit and dip into ranch dip or tartar sauce! Warning! Keep away from kids! Tell kids they are spinach sticks! I lost a half a sturgeon to the boys in the hood!:lol: I went outside and came back in and there were like two piece's left!:whistle:
EXACTLY what I was looking for

EXACTLY what I was looking for

;) Thank you ! Deep fried I've heard is THE BOMB! Any body else with more ideas pleeaaase let me know.
Smoke it! If you want I can send you a reciepe for really good Smoked Sturgeon.
What is the purpose of removing the cord before fileting???
well if you didn't know sturgeon doesn't really have any bones so filleting it is not really that necessary but i do remove the cord because i heard that the stuff inside of it can be poisonous, well thats what i was told, and i remove the thorns or whatever they are called, then gut it and your all done
plunkme said:
well if you didn't know sturgeon doesn't really have any bones so filleting it is not really that necessary but i do remove the cord because i heard that the stuff inside of it can be poisonous, well thats what i was told, and i remove the thorns or whatever they are called, then gut it and your all done

I have been fishing and catching stergeon for a number of years now, I am usually the one that gets stuck cleaning...

In all my time, i have never gut, never pulled the cord, alway skin by what ever means, and i have tried many...and i am still here...

just a lot easier to skin and then filet (so to speak), waste of time to do all that extra work...

thats my 2 cents... comments anyone???
I agree.....just get that red fat off, makes a world of difference, and bleed them too!
Bleed them by cutting the throat? I hear all this stuff how the sturg body fluids ruin the meat. I just dont want to waste a fish if/when I finnally get a keeper. Thanks.
Cleaning sturgeon

Cleaning sturgeon

We bleed by cutting gills and hanging overboard while fishing. I have also heard of "girdling" the tail with knife to bleed but have not done that.

yea im usually the one stuck cleaning the fish too i like to cute them in steaks which are also really good.... but i bleed them buy cutting from the anus up about 2 inches or so
I have experimented with bleeding them out and and just going to town on em still live... frankly i think the meat tastes better when left alive and just start skining and fileting...
Bleed them by cutting the throat? I hear all this stuff how the sturg body fluids ruin the meat. I just dont want to waste a fish if/when I finnally get a keeper. Thanks.

I try and bleed out any fish if I have the chance while it is still alive - I normally make a cut to the spine at the base of the tail on both sides, and then I cut the gills. Bleeds them out quick - messy, but in the end they are less gory to clean, and no little black veins in the meat after cooking.
eric71m said:
I have experimented with bleeding them out and and just going to town on em still live... frankly i think the meat tastes better when left alive and just start skining and fileting...

Yeah, but watch out for the tail when it spins around and slaps you :lol: j/k :D
Sturgeon cleaning

Sturgeon cleaning

Hey Seon, that just means they are fresh!


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