Classic salmon flies

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Do they catch fish? They are pretty nifty though. My cousin for his wedding, instead of flowers he and the groomsmen had fancy tied fly pins on their tuxes, it was pretty sweet and they were pretty big. Can anybody do that? I might get married at some point and the fish would like that:) especially the small ones which I usually catch!
I'd think they would. I'm thinking about getting me some of those...
$2.75 each, not bad huh?

Some history:
The British salmon fly tying traditions of the 18th and 19th centuries that used exotic materials and complicated patterns were exported to the countries the British exported and occupied. In North America and other parts of the world, gradually these pattern were changed and new ones designed to make use of the more easily obtainable local animal skins and feathers. They were also designed to suit the different natural conditions and local fish. Hairwings were used instead of brightly colored feathers from tropical birds. They worked as well if not better, Hairwing salmon flies have now become the norm and the traditional feather-winged patterns are now more commonly found as framed works of art that hang in gentlemen's studies and behind bars.

The Silver Doctor is one of the fully dressed patterns much loved by salmon anglers of the 19th century and early 20th century. The dressings of these patterns were extremely complicated and included many exotic plumages from endangered birds. Modern substitute materials have enabled the Silver Doctor still to be fished,. It is one of the flies that the British took to Norway and Canada at an early date with great effect. James Wright was its designer back in 1850. The silver body, red and blue coloring make this fly distinctive.

Fly Fisherman and Tyer , Dave Botelho has obtained the tying recipes of these Scandinavian Classics and has had them duplicated precisely by Umpqua Fly Tyer John Kimani
Hi I tie these flies i live in John Day Oregon. There is allot of history in these flies.
The link on the umpqua tier the pic. of the Trahene flys is a poster of the flies that were tied by Kim Rasmasen of Copenhagen Denmark the original set of flies sold for over $10,000.
And Mr. McPhail is 1 of the best tiers going rite now

here are some pic. of my work
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Hey Rocky,

I'm sure there will be a lot of requests by our fellow fly fishers. Do you have a website? Or examples of other flies you tie?

Let us know and welcome aboard...
meluvtrout said:
Hey Rocky,

I'm sure there will be a lot of requests by our fellow fly fishers. Do you have a website? Or examples of other flies you tie?

Let us know and welcome aboard...

No on the website and when i figure out how to down size my pic. i will post more. if you would like to view some of my work. and other great tiers from around the world.
Hey Rocky, welcome to the forum. Outside of a few Skyomish patterns I hijacked years back I never really took a run at the exotic streamers. I gotta say they are beautiful.

a lot of my materials are, well; kinda old (like me) chances are I have an extinct species or two in my collection of "stuff".... lol

I'd be quite interested in seeing more of your creations.

Again welcome.
Hope i got them resized

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It worked and yes fish finger i use lots of exotic materials. I tie mostly freestyles
but i do tie some classic patterns. And you all wont believe i started tying a year and 4 months ago. also if you want to see my work in person i will be tying at the Oregon conclave on march 16 and 17 in Albany

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Seriously.. you've only been at this 16 months?

All kidding aside I am impressed.

I'd enjoy chatting with you in greater detail, get a sense of where you get your vision. I am old school, match the hatch, bug guy. You know follow the life cycles of the insect sort of thing.

A big fat dead on detailed stone fly nymph is a work of art that you can also scare small children

I digress.

Your work is beautiful.
Fish finger yes 16 months. It started at home with a broken back after you sit in a char for a few months you start looking for something to do with your hands. I found the web site i linked above. and seen all the awesome tiers and told myself i can do that so threw some contacts threw that site i got some materials and started. i am self tot. I had the honer to be invited to tie at the fff international conclave in whitefish Montana last year.
My creations come from long hours staring at materials. and studding classic flies and just altering patterns. as for my other ambition is tying realistic s

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Rocky those flies are pure awesome things of beauty!!!!!!!!!
Wow.... You have definate skillz.

Those are perhaps the best imitations I have ever seen

Nicely done.
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Wow man, you got skills that ki... err... ties. ;) Those bugs scared me for a sec until I noticed theres a hook in them. Thats how real they are. Nice butterfly like flies... Sure are perrtyful. Do you tie for the sake of tying and fun or for actual catching fish? I would hate to get something like those wet. :cool:;)
Ha Ha, your bugs scare small children too... They pass the test!
Lol har har ho ho ho.... very funny... :rolleyes::lol:
I tie to catch. fish but mostly tie for fun mostly to see how complicated i can design a fly and then spend days seeing if i can put it on a hook

thanks for the comments. I mostly donate them to fly fishing fund raisers to be auction of at banquets

Well then I guess we need to have a fly fishing fund raiser :D
Seriously those have got to be the sweetest flies I have ever seen, nice work. Oh, and welcome aboard!


nice flies rocky

These are so beautiful that I just had to share them with the newest members. Enjoy...and aspire to greatness. ;~)

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