Chrome Hen Silent film

you ever have much luck grabbin them by the tail?
nice vid,,,,he didn't want to give up
halibuthitman said:
you ever have much luck grabbin them by the tail?

Not me and obviously not my friend that was actually his 2nd or 3rd attempt. I have seen other people do it effortlessly:think:
Cohosanders said:
I have seen other people do it effortlessly:think:

They fake the footage of people picking them up by the tail. They use the same studio that they used to fake the moon landing. *nod*

There's got to be some technique that the rest of us are missing.
That one was still quite angry! :lol:
fourgotten said:
They fake the footage of people picking them up by the tail. They use the same studio that they used to fake the moon landing. *nod*

There's got to be some technique that the rest of us are missing.

Actually when the fish has tired you can tail it pretty easy. In this case I would of walked it up the bank because the fish still had a lot of spunk in it, pretty much what happened. Got to be careful with the tip of the rod, keep it up when bending over to pick up the fish or tailing it. If the fish decides to make another run you might end up with two polls. NOT that I'm speaking from experience or anything like that...Very nice fish too and congrates.
I like how after your friend failed to tail it a few times that fish just beached itself. Nice looking fish by the way. I bet that thing cut great!
Cohosanders said:
Not me and obviously not my friend that was actually his 2nd or 3rd attempt. I have seen other people do it effortlessly:think:
I can do it to a king, or a steel thats over 30'' but never tried to grab a smaller fish by the tail....
I was at this bar in Astoria and tried to do a tail grab . Ahhh . . . . never mind . It didn't work then either .
Salmonhungry said:
Actually when the fish has tired you can tail it pretty easy.

Nope. Fake like the moon landing. :D
Nice job CohoSanders...that hen had some spunk for sure! Good to see some video as well. Keep them comin'
halibuthitman said:
you ever have much luck grabbin them by the tail?

Effortlessly, every time
cotton is our friend. Prolly not the fishes slime, but neither is our sweat. Get the glove wet first, once you have a hold try not moving your hand up and down. Of course, if it`s a hatchery brat well............
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