Check out these shortrakers!

These fish were taken on a dragger about 100mi WNW of Newport at 350 fathoms on a dragger. Gotta love getting paid to work with fish like this! :dance:


Fisheries Biologist
Newport, OR
No doubt. I have a couple friends who are fisheries bios as well, and work for both private research groups, and the feds. But again, nice haul at some impressive depths.
looking at those fish..i can empathize. i usually feel like that after a couple of beers and a pound of chili fries. :doh:

those are a couple o' hogs for sure. looks like you had a nice flat day out on the salt too.
That day was perfect! Semi-warm, no wind, and flat flat. Unfortunately, that day was followed w/wind and waves crashing over my head while I was trying to weigh and measure samples lol. I guess it comes with the territory :lol:
Talk about a 'big gulp'!

Talk about a 'big gulp'!

Oh my! Those are very cool,not to mention very fat fish. :shock: I wonder if the one in your right hand is Lil Smork that I flushed about 20 years ago. I swear I thought he was dead. :think:
Seriously,very impressive. Sounds like you have THE dream job for a dedicated fisher folk. Unlike most folks who would love to trade jobs with you,I am a self admitted landlubber and will stay within reach of good old dirt! I can't even imagine going 100 miles out there without at least a big,fat battle ship under me! Forget the dramamine,I would need a bucket of Valium to even get on the boat (ship?). :naughty: I applaud your fearlessness. :clap: Be safe.
Those are definitely the biggest gold fish I have ever seen! Very cool. What are they fishing for out there or are those it?
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