Cental Oregon late December?

I will be in central oregon in a week or so. Any place i can fish thats not frozen over? Sence weve had this warm snap i think there cold be a lake or two..or a river?

Probably not to bad fished up with snow on the groung before. Dont think it has been snowing too bad up up there yet. Might only be open to the resort though and not all the way around the lake. You could also drive up to davis or wickiup. odot trip check can pull up road camereas and you can judge the situation a bit better.
Yaa check the reports before you go I have friends who live in lapine and there has been snow and ice there. Check your regs for where the deschutes is open It's worth fishin' lots of big browns and bows.Sounds like you have time to do some homework before you go and it would be worth it to do so it's a beautiful place to be ,anywhere up there.Let us know how it goes,be safe and Fishon.:D:D
I fished it briefly today very cold. Fished really low down by milepost 10ish and didn't get any fish. Tried a small scud with a trailing whitefish egg under an indicator.
Sorry the fish didn't find your fly. Next trip if you have time try to get up to that mile post 17 area. I know they are waiting for you there.;)
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