Cat fish near Salem?

I am new to the area. I am looking for some night fishing near the Salem area?I would be willing to target anything just would like to catch some fish at night. Let me know whats good in the area!
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Hey KayakKid,

I would recommend the Willamette if you aren't worried about targeting one type of fish, I usually fish the dock at Riverfront Park and catch plenty of squawfish, some Carp, suckers, and once in a while you will get something random like a perch or a bass, you can also catch bullheads around night that are around 14 inches.

If you really want catfish, just go to any pond around here at night and toss out a full nightcrawler on a size 1 hook.

Ever need a tip or two about the Riverfront, PM me.
I've seen people fishing Walter Wirth Lake behind the Wal-Mart by Salem Airport. Bring your lantern and a chair, don't forget the insect repellent! Good Luck!:)
38 pound channel catfish

38 pound channel catfish

Walter Wirth Lake at Cascade Gateway Park has big channel cats in it. The Statesman-Journal ran a story with pic about 8 to 10 years ago, about a guy who caught a 38 pound channel cat out of there. ODFW plants channel cats in Walter Wirth since, according to ODFW warmwater fish biologist Gary Galovich, the channel cats won't spawn unless they have sustained 70 degree water, which doesn't happen often or at all in Northwest Oregon. According to the SJ, this guy caught the cat, had it weighed at, I think, Roth's on Lancaster in Salem. When he found out it was 38 pounds plus a few ounces, he was saddened, 'cause he thought the state record for a channel cat was 42 pounds. He had it wrong. The state record for a FLATHEAD catfish was 42 pounds, while for a channel cat it is 36 pounds 8 ounces. He had a NEW state record but didn't know it. He did find out after the fish was eaten. Sad but true. The state fish records are at:

Resources: Fishing - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife

The park gate is closed at dusk, but I think you can park outside and walk in to fish at night.

Walter Wirth Lake at Cascade Gateway Park has big channel cats in it. The Statesman-Journal ran a story with pic about 8 to 10 years ago, about a guy who caught a 38 pound channel cat out of there. ODFW plants channel cats in Walter Wirth since, according to ODFW warmwater fish biologist Gary Galovich, the channel cats won't spawn unless they have sustained 70 degree water, which doesn't happen often or at all in Northwest Oregon. According to the SJ, this guy caught the cat, had it weighed at, I think, Roth's on Lancaster in Salem. When he found out it was 38 pounds plus a few ounces, he was saddened, 'cause he thought the state record for a channel cat was 42 pounds. He had it wrong. The state record for a FLATHEAD catfish was 42 pounds, while for a channel cat it is 36 pounds 8 ounces. He had a NEW state record but didn't know it. He did find out after the fish was eaten. Sad but true. The state fish records are at:

Resources: Fishing - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife

The park gate is closed at dusk, but I think you can park outside and walk in to fish at night.


Oh my god!!!

I live a mile away from Walter, and I have heard many stories about the channel cats, along with all the cars that have been found (with big cats nesting in them). I would have never thought they actually had Channel cats in a shallow pond like Walter, but now that I think of it, I have seen a guy haul about a 8-10 pounder out of the southwest corner by the cement ledge.

I am 90% sure I will be out there tomorrow night now that this info has been confirmed, I think I will use a fillet of a bluegill or maybe some old trout fillets that have been in the freezer for awhile, i'll soak them in some pickled herring juice.

Are there really Carp in Walter Wirth, my uncle says he caught one a long time ago out of the back, but I think maybe it got transported from Bluegill Ponds.
Walter Wirth

Walter Wirth

I tried to find that Statesman-Journal story about that 38 pound CCat, in theirs archives, but no luck. ODFW stocks CCats in WW, the St. Louis Ponds, numbers 4,5, & 6, I think. Plus Bond Butte pond along the freeway north of the Sherman Brothers exit, plus a few more I can't remember. If the report has archives, maybe you can find out which ponds at St. Louis. Here's the link to the report:

Recreation Report: Willamette Zone: Fishing - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife

The 70 degree spawning temperature is interesting. I just looked it up in my catfishing book, and it agrees. They say 75 degrees, 80 being best.

What's odd is that catfish range up into Manitoba, which seems even less likely than here to reach that temperature.
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