Casting lessons?

I have been trying to hit up some lakes recently and have realized that i am not very good at casting.. Was wondering if anyone would be interested in giving me some pointers while we fish? I can go sat or sunday would pick you up from where ever and provide lunch. It can be a lake, stream, river.

Let me know!

If not can anyone recommend a good instructor?
if you would like to come down to the salem area,i could show you how to fly cast,,,there are quite a few good casting instructors,,i would go with brian silvey or brian marz,both excellent fly fishermen
Take bigsteel up on his OFFer! You will not regret it one bit. Not only will you learn something about casting but will get taken to some great fishing locations. Hey Dave does that OFFer stand for me too?

Take bigsteel up on his OFFer! You will not regret it one bit. Not only will you learn something about casting but will get taken to some great fishing locations. Hey Dave does that OFFer stand for me too?


Gene,anytime you want to come down and fish i can show you.i enjoy fishing with ya
Ya bigsteel we still need to go fishing together. Have you ever fished where Pringle Creek runs into the Willamette by the park? I saw some guy fishing there today.
Ya bigsteel we still need to go fishing together. Have you ever fished where Pringle Creek runs into the Willamette by the park? I saw some guy fishing there today.

hey berg we will hook up and fish,,i have never tried down there but i see people there all the time.
Berg, I fish down there somewhat often, was at the dock today for a moment, I am also willing to teach fly casting around Salem.

Halibuthitman, I could teach you how to double-haul..... But you will have to wait until you're my age.
Full blown river/stream fly fishing gathering maybe? I need to work on my casting as well. All I know I learned from this. I cast and think WHUMP WHUMP.

Berg, I fish down there somewhat often, was at the dock today for a moment, I am also willing to teach fly casting around Salem.

Any good fly fishing down there? The guy i saw fishing was using some sort of plastic jig/worm. Didn't see him catch anything though.
Try Minto Brown Park. There's some ponds, and it accesses the Willamette. It's not trouting - but there's lots of bluegill and bass to be had, and if you're super lucky, carp :)
Any good fly fishing down there? The guy i saw fishing was using some sort of plastic jig/worm. Didn't see him catch anything though.

That is usually one of the best methods for the Smallies and Largemouth down there. I'd imagine with the right fly and retrieve, one could get a 1-2lb Smallmouth, I'm thinkin heavyish Crawfish patterns along with a Redside Shiner pattern, they (the Smallies) chase baitfish up to your feet sometimes. If you want to hit it up sometime (on a clear day lol), let me know, I'm only about 5 miles away, not a long haul on the longboard, only thing I've managed on a fly has been a bunch of Pikeminnow and a fat Bluegill, but if one drifted a dark 'buggy' pattern, I'd imagine one could pick up a 6-16lb Carp with some effort.
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