Carp rod sacrifice = first salmon

So I sold my soul to convince mr safety (my parental unit) to let me use his little lake boat for a day. You would have thought I was asking him if I could borrow his car so I could wreck it the next day (wait...) anyways it was insanely difficult to get the boat but I did it. Headed to the watering hole at 540 or thereabouts and it was AWESOME to sleep in for a change, so I felt all lively and stoked (I wake up at 2:30-3:00 am daily to get to work on time) first trailer there and we were late getting started, weekdays rock.

I will admit to being an evil doer and telling rose to leave the fly gear at home, but it was a necessary evil and was for her own good. We used every tactic in the book and there was no shortage of fish but they were on the move and not biting.

I was running close to the bank and while doing so got a horrid birds nest. I wasn't paying attention until I was inches from hitting a downed tree. Disaster averted, I looked back and see rose's line over the tree. SHIRT. all I'm thinking is damnit that lure is 2 seconds from being embedded in the tree. Just as my tourettes kicks in and I'm about to put it in neutral, I see a salmon come up and attack the lure, that is currently hung up on the tree. Funk. Just funk. Rose is saying crap I'm snagged, I say no! Rose, fish! Fish! I tell her to keep tension and I put it in reverse and fly over to the tree. Due to laziness I didn't respool so I have heavy line on, and feel confident that the fish is going nowhere when I see his jaws are wired shut. I grab the line and grab the fish with my other hand. Fish in the boat. Those hos don't fight much huh rose LOL

Wasn't a big fish, but who cares. It was her first fish big enough to murder, fillet and eat.

Was a fun day, glad you could come down on short notice rose. Next one will be bigger!

Probably leaving something out, but oh well

Hey Drew, if I get a chance to go fishing with Jeanna will you burn one of your rods for me? PLEEEEEEEZ:pray:
She actually doesn't have any interest in any fish whatsoever but always looks like she does in pictures. Such a faker. I still love her. Even if she is a little "special"
She probably hates fish from the bad taste she got in her food that time at Trillium.
Woot Woot!!!! got me one one is gonna be bigger....but those fillets are very very very nice lookin....Home alone tomorrow so guess whats for dinner...yum yum. Thank you Jeanna for letting me go along...the "brodies" in the middle of the lake in a 12 ft aluminum boat only made me nervous once......and Ava? She loves the soon as she sees it she stares and smiles.

ohhh...hey wait....who is that old lady holding MY fish?
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Always helps to have jeanna along guiding a trip. I'm convinced it's why the lake hates me this year. No jeanna with her new job on the way. I miss unemployment so much. I could fish any day I wanted. Nice fish rose! I bet you snuk a lucky fly on your pocket or something. Trust me bigger salmon do fight. And I dont even want to know how you got your hands on that boat. Anyone see you girls catch tha fish? I bet some of the guys on the banks musta **** themselves seeing two chicks in a boat without a man on board and then to top it of snatch up a fish in front of them. Lmao jeanna you should ask mr safety if I can take his prop off to see the bolt behind his prop and grab that book. You see what my old prop looks like. Too scared to put the new one on. Maybe Thursday evening?
way to go rose and jeanna,great fish and sound slike a fun time getting the fish into the boat,,,,,EVA stay away from that fish they are bad for you hehehehehehhe
YIPPEE!!! You got your first salmonid Rose...that's awesome! And I tip my hat to Jigsy (er ummm GEE NUH) the super guide, and her bird's nest.
Always helps to have jeanna along guiding a trip. I'm convinced it's why the lake hates me this year. No jeanna with her new job on the way. I miss unemployment so much. I could fish any day I wanted. Nice fish rose! I bet you snuk a lucky fly on your pocket or something. Trust me bigger salmon do fight. And I dont even want to know how you got your hands on that boat. Anyone see you girls catch tha fish? I bet some of the guys on the banks musta **** themselves seeing two chicks in a boat without a man on board and then to top it of snatch up a fish in front of them. Lmao jeanna you should ask mr safety if I can take his prop off to see the bolt behind his prop and grab that book. You see what my old prop looks like. Too scared to put the new one on. Maybe Thursday evening?

Cost me a lot of time this upcoming week to use that boat for just one day. Basically I'll be their personal slave, doing every little thing around the house that needs to be done. Sigh. The things I do. The bank maggots were not friendly in the least, as usual. What the hell happened to your motor?!!
Jeanna is an excellent guide.....I only paid her "three fiddy" hehe. I actually left the fly rods in my car....but don't think I didn't see those nice trout jumping everywhere and wished I had the fly rod. There were three guys on the bank and, yeah, they tried to act happy that we had one in the boat. They fished there all day but we didn't tell them there were a ton of fish sitting where they were at....hehe...

Oh, and Jeanna, next time the gear is left at home and you only bring your fly rod.
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