Caddis Fly Attack!

I was driving through Maupin today and a huge salmon fly flew through my window freaking my fiancé out almost causing me to veer off the road and wreck my jeep! Beware. The flies are fighting back! It attempted to attack me by crawling up my neck and down my shirt. I survived by not making eye contact.

Oh, there are several hatches going on in Maupin right now, and the river...although high...looks great! Green drakes were out today for a while...
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Thanks for the Info!!! :) Once the "Flying Cheeseburgers" begin to thin out we must resort to different tactics! Some say the Salmonfly hatch is "overrated" but it sure is fun tossin a big nasty up top and see it gettin whacked! Ya you got to watch out too cuz they bight like hell and leave quite a sting, oh wait, the ones with the hook do though.
Why is it they always head for the shirt and mouth? First time one hit me I almost jumped out of the I have a new respect for them and they don't bother me....they are huge tho...:D
So, did you stop and see if the fish liked them better then your fiancé? We fished Warm Springs to Trout Creek a few weeks ago and couldn't keep them OFF of us. Right Rose!
Many years ago, I watched a massive Salmon Fly hatch at Marion Creek where it flows out of the lake. Yep. Those bugs are huge. But, those fish enjoyed their cheeseburgers so much, that they rocketed a good 4 - 5 feet out of the air for them! It was fun to watch. Couldn't fish for them...closed water.
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