BULLHEAD...How do you catch them?!!?!

I found a spot in Portland with so many catfish/bullhead fish, but I can't catch em! I have fished the spot with livers, cheese, powerbait and worms but nothing. Should I be fishing at night or something??
Well if you can't catch em, how do you know they are there? The best way to catch them is at night. If you can't fish there at night try an hour before sunset or right at dusk. I do real well with hot dogs or worms.
Not where your at but i've caught & released many bullhead day&nite using part of a juicy nitecrawler.............:D

At Lake Selmac i put a 2oz sinker on bottom- about 18" up i put a 6" leader& hook-then another 18" or so another leader& hook.

Best O Luck to u.................:D:D
Well if you can't catch em, how do you know they are there? The best way to catch them is at night. If you can't fish there at night try an hour before sunset or right at dusk. I do real well with hot dogs or worms.

I know that catfish are air breathers, and I see these fish come up and gulp air like crazy. I'm assuming that they are bullhead, which are a variation of catfish.
Rarely, most of the time it would take like 15 of them to make a meal for two. Every now and then you will catch a 1-2lber but they are pretty rare.
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