Boneville Dam

People have told me that its illegal to angle sturgeon by boneville dam till August 1st. Who can verify this? Thanks for your help.
alex, its a good idea in general to check regs yourself, ( on odf website or law pamplet) I could tell you "oh yeah heck, killed em there yesterday!" but am I or anyone else really concerned with you getting a ticket? the first skill a fisherman needs to learn is how to find the laws..... then focus on finding the fish. Good fishin-

"he who dies with the most toys..... still dies"
It is illlllegal to sturgon fish below the dam, guys are getting tickets now for that.
It is illlllegal to sturgon fish below the dam, guys are getting tickets now for that.
It closed on June 6th cause people caught there quota.
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Well Its not in the FIshing Regulations, If you go to the fishing section of ODFW look around and you will see that the bonneville pool is closed for sturgeon cause the years quota was caught.
It may open again in october
It may open again in october

No, It wont. Retention is closed for the rest of the year, Catch n release Only now.
like every year before it opens again in October exception was last year when the opened it in august you just need to go to odfw and look and see, updates are not often but like salmon they may open it or close it anytime they want, i might be easier to call odfw and check with them btw i believe sturgeon is still open but thats from beacon rock which is a few miles from bonneville to the ocean
Here you go x 2

With what I am hearing is that you are fishing between the dam and marker 85. In which case, it IS closed to ALL sturgeon fishing. I have highlited that section for you. Below Marker 85 to want to Power lines it is open to keepers thurs, fri & sat.

Columbia River Sturgeon Seasons

The retention of green sturgeon is prohibited at all times. Anglers are limited to the use of one single-point barbless hook while angling for white sturgeon. It is unlawful to use lamprey for bait. Catch-and-release sturgeon angling is allowed during non-retention periods, unless otherwise indicated.

Buoy 10 upstream to Wauna Powerlines (mainstem Columbia River from the Wauna powerlines (River Mile 40) downstream to the mouth at Buoy 10, including Youngs Bay; and all adjacent Washington tributaries)

•Open for retention of white sturgeon May 9-June 28 and July 2-5 (or until harvest guideline of approximately 15,500 fish is met).
•From May 9 through the close of the 2009 retention season, legal size for retention is 41-54 inches FORK LENGTH (see measurement technique).
•Catch and release fishing is allowed during periods closed to retention, unless otherwise indicated.
WAUNA POWERLINES (RM 40) UPSTREAM TO BONNEVILLE DAM (including all adjacent Washington tributaries and the Willamette River downstream of Willamette Falls including the Multnomah Channel)

Angling for sturgeon is prohibited from Marker 85 upstream to Bonneville Dam May 1 – July 31 (see page 94 of 2009 Pamphlet).
•Open for retention of white sturgeon three days per week, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from Jan. 1 – July 31 and Oct. 1 – Dec. 31 (or until harvest guideline of approximately 11,300 fish is met).
•Legal size for retention is 38-54 inches FORK LENGTH (see measurement technique).
•Catch and release fishing is allowed during periods closed to retention, unless otherwise indicated.
Bonneville Dam upstream to McNary Dam

Bonneville Pool (Bonneville Dam to The Dalles Dam)

•Closed to retention from June 6 – December 31, 2009, but remains open for catch-and-release.
The Dalles Pool (The Dalles Dam to John Day Dam)

•Angling for sturgeon is prohibited from the west end of the grain silo at Rufus upstream to John Day Dam May 1 – July 31 (see page 94 of 2009 Pamphlet).
•Closed to retention from April 19 – December 31, 2009, but remains open for catch-and-release.
thank you all for your replies.
I heard from a very reliable source that ODFW decided this afternoon to an extension for Sturgeon retention for this weekend and next Fri-Sun. I'm sure if it's true (which I'm sure it is) I'm sure they will announce it soon.
beaverfan said:
I heard from a very reliable source that ODFW decided this afternoon to an extension for Sturgeon retention for this weekend and next Fri-Sun. I'm sure if it's true (which I'm sure it is) I'm sure they will announce it soon.
wow, great connection,... so they post all weekend changes to the odf site by thursday.. right?
Guess I put this in the wrong area the exension is actually for the estuary. Ya I'm hoping that they will put it up tomorrow, we will see.

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