Bond Butte report May 6th

Well i met up with TTFishon at bond butte this afternoon. Hoping to get some catfish it looked like i got one bite on some shad dough bait, other than that nothing with the catfish we both did hook up with some bluegill albiet small in my opinion. I also got a largemouth bass on a popper at the boat ramp LOL little bugger was greedy only an inch or two longer than the popper

All in all it was fun just need catfish to bite.
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Well At least it was fun. We ussually fish at night in the summer with worms or chicken liver and do alright but we are fishing right in the weeds so its frustrating specially when its dark when you get there.
yeah we fished at the end of the first point. i will agree weeds are frustrating and id hate walking through there in the dark, as there is some marshy ruts there LOL
I've only fished at the end of the road. I want to take the boat up to the north end and try to catfish some night.
hmm thought i already posted what i said but guess not. brain fart. anyhow do you fish the boat ramp looking deal at the end of the road past the gate on the first point? or the openings that face the east shore?
We always pull in an follow the gravel till it ends and we are fishing facing east on the most north end up against the big rocks and the field at that opening. somehow we always get that spot. ponds not very wide there. and the boat ramp thing is to the south of were we fish. Stayed till daylight once and realized we we casting right into weeds and many people had got distcuraged and quit fishing but i guess my gear was just sitting in the weeds everytime but i alway get a few when i go but it takes time and i have only been up there a few times.
ok so yeah where im thinking. i know where you were at.
So you guys hiked north up in the field aways? is it less weedy up there?
yeah we hiked up til the end of that point. and its not really any more or less weedy than where u were i think.
Going out there tonight 5-7, around 7. Hope to grab a few kitties. If anybody is there, stop by and say hi.
the_intimidator03 said:
Well i met up with TTFishon at bond butte this afternoon. Hoping to get some catfish it looked like i got one bite on some shad dough bait, other than that nothing with the catfish we both did hook up with some bluegill albiet small in my opinion. I also got a largemouth bass on a popper at the boat ramp LOL little bugger was greedy only an inch or two longer than the popper

All in all it was fun just need catfish to bite.

It was nice meeting you. I think it's still a little cold for catfish right now and someone needs to spend a day there and filter out the bluegill. I think the biggest one I caught was about 4 inches.
Yeah thats seeming about where they run there TT, i like my 6-8 inch average a bit further south tho :-D Need to get me a good thermometer so i can check some temps and we will have to go back out catfishin
LJSHYE said:
Going out there tonight 5-7, around 7. Hope to grab a few kitties. If anybody is there, stop by and say hi.

Any report?
Nice pic for a phone indeed.
The report!

The report!

Ok, here goes!

We arrived around 7:00 pm. I had my uncle, an elderly friend of the family and my wife with. We walked down to the last gravel area and set up there due of our elderly friend to go much further opver the remaining rough terrain.

Had a few bites that turned out to be tiny 'gills. Then right around full dark two small whisker-kitties, one for my wife (the first fish she has ever caught) and one for my uncle. Both were in the 10-11 inch range. That was it for the rest of the time we were there.

So, we let the two go back since two fish does not a fish fry make. There was a lot of algae already, but I think still too cold for good catfishin'.
thanks for the report.

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