Black striped bass???

So, last saturday i was fishing a small private pond that has a small creek that runs through it. The landowner told me that i could expect to catch native cutthroat, sunfish, and bass. He didn't say large or small mouth and i didn't ask. After landing 10 beautiful cutts i landed a bass. Its head seemed a bit wider than that of most LMB, and the typical black spots were concentrated down the side of the fish, almost forming a line. I am really sorry about the picture quality, but i didn't take the digital camera with me. has anybody seen bass like this before?
Weird. Hard to tell. But I'd say it was just your average Bass, with very cool markings. But can you send that picture from your phone to your E-Mail, then upload, and re-post it with Flick'r or Photobucket?
nope,sorry my phone isn't set up for email. i guess i will just have to go back this weekend, catch him again, and take a proper pic! Also, i caught a sunfish for the first time, and i was wondering if bluegill tactics work best for the little buggers. I caught this one on a panther martin, black with orange spots, and no i wasn't targeting the sunfish or bass with that lure, but i guess they liked what they saw!
I catch a lot of Bass on spinners. Orange, and variations therein, seem to do the trick most of the time, but for some reason, so does an all black thumper. I also got a ton of Mad River Steelhead worms, in Black, Red, and Pink, for free form one of their factory reps, and I use them for Bass because the only thing I can get to eat them is Bass, Suckers, Pikeminnow Carp, and a mystery fish, probaly just a big Carp. The only six steelhead I've hooked on 'em since I got them given to me, are Bucks with adipose fins intact...And one hatchery hen hit it, and it got her in the gill plate unfortunately. SO I went back to bait and killed my limit in a dozen casts. Anyhoo, I think those Berkley Power Worms are killer too. A friend of mine fishes that pond between Wilsonville and Aurora off of Boones Ferry, on the West side of of the road, and uses small, pink Power Worms for Bass there. Does very well too. Speaking of Sunfish...That is aparantly the place to be! He uses these super mini Calcutta, white, or green jigs on black, or red 1/32 oz. heads.
That is a Spotted Bass

That is a Spotted Bass

Back east we call them Kentucky Bass, but out here they are known as the Spotted Bass. They don't get as large as Large Mouth Bass, but can grow up to 10 lbs. It differentiates from the LM bass by its black bar having spaces and the mandibles do not extend beyond the back of the eye. I actually caught one out of the Umpqua last spring.
SWEET!!!! Thanks smallie, that means its a new species for me! that makes two in one day, the spotted bass and the sunfish.
adambomb said:
So, last saturday i was fishing a small private pond that has a small creek that runs through it. The landowner told me that i could expect to catch native cutthroat, sunfish, and bass. He didn't say large or small mouth and i didn't ask. After landing 10 beautiful cutts i landed a bass. Its head seemed a bit wider than that of most LMB, and the typical black spots were concentrated down the side of the fish, almost forming a line. I am really sorry about the picture quality, but i didn't take the digital camera with me. has anybody seen bass like this before?

Judging from it's smaller mouth, looks like a spot to me. However it's not uncommon for LM to have markings resembling a horizontal line along midsection-some have it better than others! NICE CATCH:clap::clap::clap:
updated picture

updated picture

as promised, i returned today and caught another spotted bass, and took a better picture. enjoy!
adambomb said:
as promised, i returned today and caught another spotted bass, and took a better picture. enjoy!

Pretty nice little fattie there Abomb! Much better picture as well!
That second fish is definitely a Largemouth the mandible extends past the eye on that fish also it has much more bland markings than most spots. Spots tend to have""really" red eyes and their colors and markings are very vibrant and distinct "they get a large amount of yellow in them" while the largemouths is much more bland and almost mixed together. Spotts have the same body style and mouth size as smallmouth and they get about the same size. They are a schooling/deepwater fish that needs cooler water and rocky habitat. I have heard spots have been illegally stocked into Lost Creek Lake (Jackson County) and I know they are in Lake Shasta. That is still a nice fish I would love to catch a couple of those.


cool fish! both of em! you wouldnt mind telling me where this pond is would you?:pray:

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