Black bear

bear meat is horrible and 15 yrs ago we went elk hunting and he had a bear tag, well he got a bear tag and to me it was the worst tasting me, so strong and gammey tasting... everything i tried did not work to get that taste out... good luck and update us on how it tasted to you...

I had bear once. It tasted like beef to me then. It had a lot of seasoning though so maybe that's why.
bear is best in cured meats, sausage, jerky, even a corned beef style, myself i don't eat bear meat that has not been converted into a novelty meat of some sort. Many opinions of bear meat can be true, bears that have been in fish are horrible, and have the smell and taste of fish, berry bears in late summer and fall taste sweet and somewhat pungent from the berries, spring bears have the best meat becouse they are basicly on graze ( roots, grass tree sap ) and the lowest tallow mass of the year... thats my expirance anyway- good luck. oh, and your biggest threat with a parasite comes from if you have an open wound or cut when you field dress your quarry, not from eating it.
bear is best in cured meats, sausage, jerky, even a corned beef style, myself i don't eat bear meat that has not been converted into a novelty meat of some sort. Many opinions of bear meat can be true, bears that have been in fish are horrible, and have the smell and taste of fish, berry bears in late summer and fall taste sweet and somewhat pungent from the berries, spring bears have the best meat becouse they are basicly on graze ( roots, grass tree sap ) and the lowest tallow mass of the year... thats my expirance anyway- good luck. oh, and your biggest threat with a parasite comes from if you have an open wound or cut when you field dress your quarry, not from eating it.

Thanks for that information sir! I am not sure I will be able to get a spring tag because of still being a non-resident till April 25th sadly, and have no firearms at the moment. I was thinking sausages and bacon type of meat, also maybe a ham and most of it jerky and burger.
The most dense populations of black bear are found in southern oregon. Applegate, rogue, evans creek (definitely), dixon units are places to target. Also Tioga, siuslaw, and Indigo produce lots of bear.
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