Bill to ban Columbia River gillnet fishing

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I thought this might deserve a thread of it's own. I posted it in another thread. If you support banning gillnet fishing in the Columbia River you might want to ask you representative and state senator to support SB 524. It was introduce by State Senator Girod.

If you still want commercial gillnets to be allowed in the river then ask them to oppose it. I don't want to be presumptious and assume every one wants them out. At least now the issue must be dealt with to some degree.
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Just keeping it near the top

Just keeping it near the top

Just trying to keep this thing near the top, if your not outraged your not paying attention, Join the CCA, blah, blah, blah..........
Email your reps, your state senator, your governor! I already sent my support letters in and sent one to senator Girod thanking him for his efforts!
look a little deeper

look a little deeper

While I support a ban on any net fishing anywhere in the world I don't believe the drifters are the problem. The king salmon decline on the west coast began within two years of the alaskan pollack fisheries ( mid water trawlers ) hammering the bering sea ( were oregon washinton and california kings spend part of life ) and the areas of marmot bay and the south end of kodiak Island and the shelikof strait. last winter trawlers in what nmfs calls "hot zones" had 2 hr tows with 20-50 kings a piece, all documented by observers for saltwater and alaska observer services. These fish are dead... 3 years ago a dragger in marmot bay had a tow with several hundred!! The state of Alaska and the nmfs see these as acceptable by-catch numbers. I guess they feel you have to break a few eggs to make an omlette.
I can provide links to some stats in a few days if anyone cares to see.

" every snowflake in an avalanche pleads not guilty ":mad::shock::think:
here it is

here it is

So I tried to link this but noaa appears to have tried to erase it from its site,
so, go to google-
type in the exact phrase- bering sea hot zones
the first hit should say, bering sea aleution islands salmon bycatch
it is a pdf.... put a very large garbage can next to you.... read all of it.. and vomit. ( if you know how to link it could you please do it for me, i is not so sharp with computer):shock:
I agree there are many pieces to the puzzel. The gillnet ban is just one little piece that if it becomes a reality would help. The Columbia river is the only river were this practice is allowed. The practice has been outlawed on the other river for decades.

Kodiak posted a more comprehensive approach to the overall problem on another thread. I think you and he are correct we do need more than just a gillnet ban. But we do need this ban and here is a shot at it. Tight lines.
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Ak upping limits for trawlers

Ak upping limits for trawlers

Alaska is upping the limits for it's troller fleets and reducing the total alotment for sports guys. Those fish aren't just AK's fish but ours also. Get ready to take it in the shorts again:mad:
and more

and more

So kodiak, the reason for the large increase in sitka-yakatat and petersburg is becouse with the commercial troll fleet shut down on the coast for 2 years the price of troll caught salmon in ak has jumped to 9.50-11.00 a pound supply and demand has basicly made a price bounty on ak kings, a 50lb fish is worth 500.00 bucks, 4 years ago it was a 80.00 fish, so every jerkoff with a lund skiff is going after them, and trust me there is enough permits. Alaska is doing business as republicans do.... fill a gap in the economy with something until it is exausted. This s*&t has to stop. Boycott southeast alaska sport trips.

" the beatings will continue until moral improves "
Halibuthitman.........."Alaska is doing business as republicans do.... fill a gap in the economy with something until it is exausted."

State Senator Girod who introduced SB 524 is a republican. I think this is more of a people and fish problem and we need to focus on it and work together to solve the issue. I think the politicians in both political parties jerk us around. Most politicians are about employment and benefits, their employment and benefits. So if we have a guy in the state house who wants to throw us sports fishing folk a bone I don't care which party he comes from. The democrates have controll of this states government. I hope they come through and don't dump this one because it comes from accross the isle. Halibuthitman I think we all feel the furstration. You seemed to be very well informed and have a wealth of information on this issue,certainly more so than I . I appreciate the link you sent and yes I about fell out of my chair when I read it.:mad: Thanks for that info and I look forward more.
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