Big Momma

Johnny Southpaw
Hey all you Bass-aholics check out this BIG MOMMA I caught at a private pond just outside Corvallis a bit...didn't think I could find any BIG GIRLS in Oregon but I was wrong.

I'm new to the site but love to fish and am looking forward to interacting with all you other fish-finding-fiends!
-johnny southpaw
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welcome, welcome...

and what a hawg! :clap::clap::clap:

great first post there. let's see some more...
WOW, that things a monster!:clap::clap::clap:
Welcome to the best forum around
Hey man, Welcome. I live close to Corvallis and know some great bass spots but I got to say I don't know what pond your talking about. Can you tell me where its at... I am dying to get my first bass of the season! Thanks!
welcome aboard
Welcome to the Family Brother Johnny Southpaw.................:D
i'm also southpaw (ambidextrous).

That shurely is a Mighty Beautiful Lunker Bass............................:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:..............................:D:D:D.............................:cool::cool::cool:
Quite a lady

Quite a lady

Johnny Southpaw;
First things first. Welcome to the best darn fishing forum with the very best members you could hope to find. Check around in all the other forum sections and find what interests you. We all share all sorts of information and invite you to chip in whatever you like. That is an impressive lady,no matter where she is from! It's a good thing you found her in a private pond or she might not be around long. Did you release her? I hear they aren't so great tasting, I could be wrong. Again, welcome. Be safe.
wow nice fish!!!!! :clap::clap:
Johnny Southpaw said:
Hey all you Bass-aholics check out this BIG MOMMA I caught at a private pond just outside Corvallis a bit...didn't think I could find any BIG GIRLS in Oregon but I was wrong.

I'm new to the site but love to fish and am looking forward to interacting with all you other fish-finding-fiends!
-johnny southpaw

aww a fellow pond fisherman.. well anytime you want to trade bassin ponds lemme know....u get her from the bank?????????? or can u put a little boat in there with oars?
Nice fish! I think I might know where that pond is at... :whistle::whistle:

Looks like it's time to get out there and start slinging some plastic eh!?!
Beautiful hawg! i went out this weekend and didn't even get a nibble. im just no good at winter bassin... but when i start to see them i can catch them. i hate the winter.
good morning bass master...that big momma I caught was actually from last year, pre-spawn. as far as the location of the pond...if I tell you I'll have, it's a private pond located out off of Independence Rd., an old farm pond I believe. My friend has permission to fish it and he's taken me a few times (he blindfolded me so I'm not sure exactly where on independence rd...). I'm hoping to get permission myself this year...
Good morning rain catcher. Yeah I released her. She was a pre-spawn from last spring. I don't eat bass generally, and you are correct about the big ones not tasting so great. Plus, that girl has some great genetics to pass on so our kids can catch the big ones too...johnny southpaw
good morning riverfisher...I caught her from the bank, although the bank fishing at that pond is only good for a few weeks before the algae ruins things, then you need a little boat...
If you know of this pond DON"T TELL ANYONE IT"S LOCATION!!! J/K. Yeah, nice little pond off independence rd. I haven't hooked into a bass yet this season, still sick with steelhead fever, but soon those bucket-mouths will be calling...
Fisherman Z: I used to hate the winter for lack of fishing as well, then a friend took me steelheading and I must say that I will FOREVER LOOK FORWARD TO WINTER METALHEADS!!!!
You just got 1,000 fishing buddies :D
Welcome to the forum Johnny. That is one purty LM!
Nice Bass! That looks like a bass out of Florida. I wonder what it weighed. The state record is 12 pounds and that is at least 10. But I think they recently excluded private ponds from the record books (I might be wrong).
I guessed she weighted between 8-10 lbs. but hard to say for sure. My biggest bucketmouth by several pounds. I've lived in New Mexico, Ohio, Kentucky and Alabama, and Oregon. If you were to rate each of those states insofar as which one could/would produce the biggest bass, where would you put Oregon?

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