big hatch!

Has anybody been out in the last few days to cast dries? I Was jumping my bike near the mac yesterday around harvest lane and the caddis flies were swarming like crazy about two o clock! fairly small flies (maybe size 18) but lots of them. didn't see a lot of fish rising, yet there were thousands of flies on the surface so fish had plenty to choose from. Hope all is well TIGHT LINES, Cheers Bob
Heading out the Middle Fork Willie tonight and tomorrow. I hope to get some trout rising to dries otherwise it is emergers and nymphs!
Well, cold water+ wind + sun = not a lot of action for me. Fished a good chunk of time. Watched a mini hatch go off with a lot of insects on the water and only one rise. Nymphed the area, tried stimulators, emergers everything I had with me. Only managed to entice a strike with a wooly bugger and managed to land that fish...The good news of the one fish day was it was a heck of a fish. Probably one of the biggest river rainbows I have caught, for sure the biggest in that area. Of course no camera, so I will just say "It was this big!"

Osprey only got one too so I felt good about the day!
I hit the canal for about an hour yesterday. Hooked into one but lost it after a few seconds and yes there was a big hatch of caddis.
Chances are the bugs in question are chronimids. Large hatches w/lack of fish rising might indicate they are actively feeding on the sub surface nymphs. Scud patterns might be with a shot.
The ones I've seen recently on the Mac and Willy are grannom caddis (aka mother's day caddis), usually imitated with a size 14-18 elk hare caddis, or peacock caddis, although it can be difficult to get the trout to notice your fly among the naturals. A small peacock and grey soft hackle is recommended for the subsurface.

Went back today for a few hours and caught five nice cutts. Sorry no pics. I wanted to get them back into the water as soon as possible. The bugs were still out and the fish were jumping.
Mothers day caddis are green and bigger than these.

No, those are Mckenzie green caddis (great grey spotted sedge elsewhere), there was an excellent post on westfly about them last year ... If the warm weather holds they should be showing up soon.

Some of the mothers day caddis I saw had green egg sacks, but darker bodies and small.

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