Bank trolls? Buffer zone?

Twice in the last week I have been confronted by people who bought up land on the shores of lakes and rivers and posted no trespassing signs, effectively attempting to deny the public reasonable access to public resources. I'm pretty sure that where I grew up there was a buffer zone, say 15 feet on the bank of public waterways that was also public domain so that you were free to walk along a river without fear of a trespassing ticket. I mean.. what if my boat broke down on the far side of the lake and I had to walk back to the boat ramp? Would I have to swim around the trolls' property to avoid trouble? Do they not have any such laws here? As tempting as it is to reveal the names of said trolls, I will resist the urge until I am clear on what the law actually is. I will say that in the most recent case it seems the trolls are trying to refuse access to an entire span of a river so they can charge people for that access. They are taking control of resources that belong to all of us in order to make a profit. Feels like theft to me. Wish I could afford to buy all the land around their property.. then fence them in and set up a toll booth!!

If anyone here knows what the law is please fill me in. Thanks for listening to my mini-rant!
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If you check the fishing regulations booklet, there is sort of an explanation of this near the front, it isn't a great explanation but might help a little. Cheers, roger
Do be careful. Landowners do NOT have to put up signs. You can be arrested--even it is not posted, as "no trespassing".
If you check the fishing regulations booklet, there is sort of an explanation of this near the front, it isn't a great explanation but might help a little. Cheers, roger

Thanks.. I never saw that before. Must have skimmed right over it. I haven't been trespassing.. trolls are just making it difficult for me to get where I want to go.
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