Bank fishing Alsea bay/tidewater...

New member
Anyone know if people bank fish in the bay at all or if there's any bank access in tidewater. I usually fish up river after the first rains but with the forcast for September showing near no rain and them setting the dates for coho for the last half of September only I think my only shot at a coho will be trying to find a spot in the tidewater area... looks like us bankies might get kinda shafted as far as a coho goes this year... anyways any tips would be fantastic. Ive never fished an area affected by tides.
I haven't been back there the last few years but there was a spot just west of the Little Albany loop where there are some transformers and a pull off. I launched a kayak there once and it was extremely difficult but there was a dirt trail there where people bank fished. Also, Don Lindly Park west of the bridge at Tidewater might work.
Thanks. Yeah I saw Lindly park on the map and figured I'd give that a shot as there isn't much else obvious just looking at Google earth... I really wish they would have given the alsea a season that went to at least mid October.
C_Run said:
I haven't been back there the last few years but there was a spot just west of the Little Albany loop where there are some transformers and a pull off. I launched a kayak there once and it was extremely difficult but there was a dirt trail there where people bank fished. Also, Don Lindly Park west of the bridge at Tidewater might work.
I have a buddy that lives there at Barclay Meadows on the other side of the river from that park, and I've tried fishing the Alsea there off his dock.
Never a bite. But don't let that put you off, as I have yet to actually catch a keeper salmon in my 6 years of fishing Oregon waters.
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I fished there a couple weeks ago and people were fishing the South shore right at the mouth. We caught our fish not too far from them so I'm guessing it's a viable spot. I didn't see them hook any but neither did the other boats.
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jamisonace said:
I fished there a couple weeks ago and people were fishing the South shore right at the mouth. We caught our fish not too far from them so I'm guessing it's a viable spot. I didn't see them hook any but neither did the other boats.
Oh nice. I managed to find an article from near a decade ago and there is a photo of a guy holding a coho on the beach with the bridge in the background. I think it said something about high tide being the best time? I'll head over that way in a couple weeks and do some exploring and see what people are doing.
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