Bait cure ban

On Wednesday Shaun from ODFW Stock Assessment Biologist sent me an email letting me know that he have completed most of the experiments and he had a meeting with some industry reps yesterday (TUESDAY). I will be meeting with him this Friday December 4, 2009 to discuss more in-depth about the chemicals he was testing and his findings. He also told me that he wants to get my thoughts on where they go from here. I talked to him little on the phone and he said that they did find out that certain chemicals did hurt the fish.

I want to know if there is any questions from members that I could ask when I meet with him on Friday.

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I think a bait cure ban would be a dumb idea. However if there is chemicals in cures that are harming the fish or the environment they should ban those chemicals, not all bait cures. Are you talking about an all out bait cure ban or just on the chemicals they find harmful?
beaverfan said:
I think a bait cure ban would be a dumb idea. However if there is chemicals in cures that are harming the fish or the environment they should ban those chemicals, not all bait cures. Are you talking about an all out bait cure ban or just on the chemicals they find harmful?

I will not know until I talk to Shaun. The one problem I see is there are chemicals that are used in bait cure that is in our water ways due to sewer and mills that are next to my water ways use some of the same chemicals. Humans eat some of the chemicals also... I don't what they are thinking or trying to do with our fisheries I will know on Friday I hope.

We should do something to like have a contest to see who can come up with a non-toxic cure then all get together and see who's got the best cure.
Which chemicals were they? Is it the borax?

It would seem the amounts of chemical leached from bait would be so diluted in the scheme of things as to not matter. Compare this to agriculture runoff and oil coming off roads, and I'm left thinking we are an easy target for an easy win for somebody.

The irony is that these studies are probably made possible by ever-increasing license fees making this the equivalent of forcing us to dig our own graves, so to speak.
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Anyfishisfine said:
Which chemicals were they? Is it the borax?

It would seem the amounts of chemical leached from bait would be so diluted in the scheme of things as to not matter. Compare this to agriculture runoff and oil coming off roads, and I'm left thinking we are an easy target for an easy win for somebody.

The irony is that these studies are probably made possible by ever-increasing license fees making this the equivalent of forcing us to dig our own graves, so to speak.

I wouldnt go that far, if you new what was in most over the counter cures you might think otherwise. If a cure was to have chemicals that are harmful to juvenile fish, or possibly some adult fish species, the question would be at what levels are these chemicals harmful to that particular age/species of fish. If you can imagine a smolt eating your bait of eggs, time and time again, cast after cast , which we often see of down riiver migrating smolts of multiple species.One could conclude that egg cures "Could" possibly be responsible for some % of fish mortality.
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american way..... solution to polution is dillution. if we are worried about smolt mortality then fishing in general is a factor. these chemicals may in fact be lethal to a fry/smolt but so is a 1/0 hook. the powers that be throw our money at their situations ie raw sewage run-off ect. pay a fine problem solved. they find a way to shift focus off from real issues and place blame on us.we get less opportunity at a higher price and the cycle continues. not being much of a bait chucker myself, this doesn't really effect me too much. unless some serious changes occur soon we won't have to worry about egg cures there won't be any eggs to cure. the only thing odfw is really interested in is money(in my oppinion). that doesn't mean that the employees share that sentiment, but they are forced to follow policy or be unemployed. once upon a time some people that were tired of being shafted came together and stood up for their beliefs against the powers that be, they were patriotic. why is it that we are now afraid to be patriots? enough is enough, the only way it is going to get different is if we as patriots, say enough is enough. rights used to include things. like health happiness and you have the right to pay the man. something is wrong. each of us can make a difference if and when we get tired of business as usual.
I've caught quite a few cutthroat that have 40lb. test and a 5/0 hook in their gut and they still were alive and biting my spinner. :lol:
The cured eggs he swallowed didn't kill him.. or at least not yet.

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