B-day location suggestion???

Ok, so my b-day is coming up and I want to take a good trip out and do some fishing. I will be only fly fishing (what else is there? hahah :lol:, j/k).

I have fished a few different locations around here and have really enjoyed them but I want to go somewhere unforgettable.

But this is going to be hard in some regards because I only have that single day to do it, I won't drive more than 3 hours, one way, from Beaverton in any direction.

I really want to go somewhere where there isn't too much pressure, some where remote. I am willing to hike up to 4 or 5 miles if needs be.

No need for steelies or salmon, I only have a 3wt and a 5wt. Prefer not to go after warm water fish. Primarily looking for trout and maybe white fish if present.

I love mountain settings, high desert areas, thick forests, etc. I don't want signs of people around at all, hahahahaha. I think I am being a little strict .... but ..... gosh darnit it's my b-day, right!!! So I should get what I want!!! hahahahahah :lol::D :dance:

So, I come to you all for some suggestions. Feel free to PM me if you don't want to share something publicly. I am very respectful of special areas that people share with me and I don't share them with others unless I have permission from the ones that shared them with me. I do 99.9% C&R. :D :dance::clap:

So, any ideas, suggestions, advise? It is much appreciated. Thank you.


P.S. I would prefer creeks, streams, rivers (not too big. The columbia is too big), moving water. Lakes are ok if they aren't too big. A lake I could hike to and fish from all sides, while getting close to the middle is perfect. But prefer streams, creeks, rivers, etc. Something I would love! would be a stream that we hike along for a little while, then fish, then hike again, then fish, etc. All the while not running into anyone else. hahahahaha. You think that is too much to ask for? :think: hahahaha :lol:

P.P.S. Oh, and they don't have to be big fish either. I am fine with what ever, as long as there is fish. :D
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lower deschutes
bigsteel said:
lower deschutes

Where roughly would you recommend to start? :think:

Thanks BS for the suggestion. :D

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Head to Maupin. Lots of river to fish there.
Spydeyrch said:
Where roughly would you recommend to start? :think:

Thanks BS for the suggestion. :D


ill send ya a pm in a little bit,,theres tons of river around maupin
Nice!! Thanks for the info! :D

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