Ask the fishing gods, you may like the answer

I haven't been out for about a week and half but knowing the run is nearing the end, I wanted to get the line wet. As I drove out, I told myself that all I wanted is to get into a fish, not necessarily get one on the tag. I thought about what holes to hit to improve those odds. Settling on one that has been good to me in past and is a good indicator of where the fish might be, I figured I would start there. Arrived to find the water was pretty high, flowing fast and a bit off color. I started drifting some corkies since I already had that rigged up. After about a half hour, I lost my set up and switched to lures. I put on a BlueFox that has served me well in these conditions even though I was concerned there may have been too much current.

Started tossing the spinner and at this point, I had not seen any fish roll. I chatted with another angler passing through telling him that I hadn't seen anything yet. He headed upriver from me a bit (happened to have the same lure as me). It wasn't long after that when on the final swing of a cast, BAM! Fish on! This fish was pissed! The fish started heading down river, broke water and jumped a bit. It was strong with vigor, I was able to turn it and get it moving upriver. At this point, I see that I have a bright chrome fish on. After a bit, I got the fish to the bank and it was a beautiful native chrome hen. One of the treble hooks was in the upper jaw and the other hook was in the lower jaw keeping the mouth slammed shut. No wonder why she was so mad!. I'm guessing the fish was around 28", a good hefty girl. I didn't fuss with a picture but rather get her back on her way.

All I asked for was to get into a fish and the fishing gods answered with one heck of a fight and a beautiful fish when many others are dark and mangled. I was humbled and gratified. Nice afternoon on the Sandy.
good story sounds like a good fish. wondering you have a blue fox setup with a treble and another hook? attached both at the back? if you don't mind divulging I am curious
good story sounds like a good fish. wondering you have a blue fox setup with a treble and another hook? attached both at the back? if you don't mind divulging I am curious

I believe he was say that of the three hooks on the one treble, one was in the upper jaw and one was in the lower jaw. Hence pinning the mouth chut.
nuthin better than suffocating a fish (temporarilly) by sewing its mouth shut. Usually they give up right away when their in that predicament, but lucky for you she didn't... Good job, way to rip'em
good story sounds like a good fish. wondering you have a blue fox setup with a treble and another hook? attached both at the back? if you don't mind divulging I am curious

Just the treble hook on the lure out of the box. Two of the three hooks giving her lure lock jaw!
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