Any one know of any new coho jig patterns?

i have been slaying the coho on jigs and i am wanting to know if there are any new patterns that work? because i tie my own jigs and they work fine,., but i want to expand my jig variety ,.cause i have been throwing the same jig for a couple years and getting like 5-8 fish a day buy i am wanting to know if there are any other jigs that work better for coho and steel head in the upper rogue,.,
If you're really getting 5-8 fish per day I'd stick with what works! My best luck has been with First Strike jigs and also Over the Edge jigs. Over the Edge has their "Dingleberry" which has been very productive for me.
Holy Cow Batman! 5-8 per day, and you feel like you need to improve???!!!

We used to knock 'em senseless on a Siletz River trib, back in the 80's. The secret weapon? Hot pink Rooster tails. So, you might try the same color in a jig.
If you are noticing all of your catch is when the water is a certain way and the sun level is a certain way, then you might want to expand your horizons to find what pattern catches in the conditions your current patterns aren't working in. If you are catching with this pattern in most, if not all conditions, then stick with your winner.

For instance I tie a red/orange jig that has done OK with steelhead for me, but then I noticed that every picture of a fish caught with that pattern jig is in exactly the same lighting and water conditions (bright sky/low water). So now I'm exploring patterns to use on overcast days, and when the water has more color.

For a more deliberate color selection give What Fish See: Understanding Optics and Color Shifts for Designing Lures and Flies a shot. I need to test my new-found theories after reading the book, but I feel it has helped me connect the dots, and hopefully be a little less random in selecting patterns.
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If you're really getting 5-8 fish per day I'd stick with what works! My best luck has been with First Strike jigs and also Over the Edge jigs. Over the Edge has their "Dingleberry" which has been very productive for me.

ok first LOL at the dingleberry XD and ive heard a lot of good stuff about first strike jigs
Holy Cow Batman! 5-8 per day, and you feel like you need to improve???!!!

We used to knock 'em senseless on a Siletz River trib, back in the 80's. The secret weapon? Hot pink Rooster tails. So, you might try the same color in a jig.

i agree with the rooster tails. those knock em dead when you are upstream on coastal rivers. ive landed 2 buck coho and one chinook in 2 hours on a late season trip. so yeah pink knocks em dead! go for a hot pink jig witha little bit of flash tied in with it
you are correct 'anyfishisfine' the only time i catch fish on the jigs i make is when the it is very early in the morning ,or overcast, and the water has to be clear ant then i just slay them ,, but during the after noon or on really sunny days i can't manage to catch no more than one or two,
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