
I have never caught any sturgeon on them but saw a couple guys in a boat hit them like trout in a lake. 11 fish in 6 hours but only 2 were keepers. They went out into the bay and caught the anchovies fresh and went right up the river and used them. It was awesome. Down here you can catch them in the bay right in town with Herring rigs. Usually you can get the anchovies from mid September to late December depending on how much rain we get.

Anyone try this down there for mid fall early winter sturgeon or any other time of the year?
We used them in May in the estuary for keepers we fished with a guide with 12 clients we each landed a keeper and another dozen shakers thoughout the day.
I've never caught my own anchovies but I have caught sturgeon on them.
I catch herring in newport on those sibiki things.
We need an alert thread for when the herring shows up in the bays. I always miss it here. I keep a lot of them but I just love catching 5-9 of them at a time. Is something else!
I've never fished for Sturgeon here in Oregon but i've caught Sturgeon on the Delta in CA with Pileworms. I've caught & mostly released a lot of catfish in the concrete canals using pileworms, anchovies too, turkey liver . ( CA Aquaduct, Delta/Mendota canals).
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