Alton Baker or Leighberg Canal?

I'm gonna walk the dog tomorrow and I think I'll try to break my skunk while I'm at it. I set up a cool Hide-a-pole over christmas and I want to try it out plus I finally got my 2010 license has anyone tried alton baker or the canal east of springtucky lately?????

You know where I would go but heard someone was getting into fish at alton baker not to long ago search the forum you will find it. Hows you boat coming along?

"you know where I would go"

Not really...I can narrow it down to 2 places though....1 of them, I'd need a boat for....

I've got everything I need for the boat except paint....but I need a couple of dry days when I'm not at school to finish up.....I'll paint in the garage but I don't want to be sanding and stripping in there.......Did you see the seats I got!!!!


Anyway I'm just gonna walk the dog and cast a few and I don't think I'll be plunking with the hide-a-pole......

you get into anything lately?......I haven't even been out since we went last
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How's the puppy training going? My trainer sent me an email to tell me that she has set up a facebook should check to see if she posted her E-Book.....The account should be under "the well mannered dog"......I don't do facebook though...I have some literature around here somewhere.....and youtube has some cool videos on dog training....your dog is a working dog so it needs to have a job or it'll go crazy and eat your couch!!!
Yeah I seen the seats they are tight. She is a handfull I need to focus more on training. I'll have ash look for the training lady. Find that literature and hit me up. I don't like to talk about it on the forum but where I would go I'm not sure where it splits and becomes another place but to me its all the same. Rules are catch and release artificial flies and lures only. Doesn't get stocked and it helped you want to get back into fishing. Only been out 2 times since we went and got nothing. I need to make it back out.
gotcha, yeah I didn't want to mention the exact town I go to either because TT blessed me with the knowledge......
xltom said:
gotcha, yeah I didn't want to mention the exact town I go to either because TT blessed me with the knowledge......

Hey thanks for keeping it off the forum. I really appreciate it.
Least I could do buddy, plus I plan to milk you for some more knowledge in the future....
Hey, that's alright. How'd you do?
The only thing I caught was a couple night crawlers for use on the other side if you know what I luck there either, but the dogs had fun. I'm currently 0 for 5...My little hide-a-pole didn't perform well. Great reel but the action on the rod is way too light. I went to Oregon Rod Reel and Tackle to grab a 5 footer and they closed early on me. I had just called to check their hours. I won't be going back there and I started a thread here about it. Good thing I had a constructive outlet for my frustration. Thanks OFF for keeping me out of trouble!!
Oh well. At least the dogs had fun.
Yeah my dog looked more like a nutria by the end of the day.
I bet she's sleeping like a baby nutria right now. I know Buddy is

Hey TT,
Be carefull with your dog over there. They put "LETHAL" nutria traps out. You'll see the signs..Don't forget your leash
xltom said:
Hey TT,
Be carefull with your dog over there. They put "LETHAL" nutria traps out. You'll see the signs..Don't forget your leash

Thanks for the heads up. That's kind of screwed up because a lot of people take their dogs there. I've been taking my dog there for years and I can't recall ever seeing one nutria.
I never saw one either, actually I only see them dead on the road. They are nocturnal. In florida the swat team practices shooting by popping them from a truck at night with sound suppressed 22s. They use spotlights and can see the reflective eyes. They do it inside city limits(reason for suppressors)

We couldn't find any traps and I suspect they are in the water right on the banks. The banks are yellow taped off in a couple spots where the traps must be. It's obvious they were worried about people's dogs getting in there and there are plenty of signs. You can still let your dog off the leash most of the way just have it with you...

I'm all for the trapping or even a bounty or contest of some sort but the signs and yellow tape are an eyesore. They could have found a better spot to do it. Around Weyerhauser for example.....they are always on the road dead there..

I'm also for a carp bowhunting tournament over at delta and for killing any smallies caught in the Umpqua....Why put a limit on invasives where natives are struggling? Why not keep the bass to lakes and ponds. My two cents....non-native and invasive are 2 different things, invasive species push out native ones and are too succesful. They should be cut back and there are plenty of us who'd have a bit of fun doing the deed for free!!!
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I've seen them in the day too though. Supposedly they're good to eat. I guess they taste like rabbit. I don't think I could bring myself to eat one though. A carp hunt would be fun at Delta but it's next to impossible to get rid of them there. Those ponds are connected to the Willamette and we all know the Willamette's full of 'em.
I didn't know they were in the river like that....only place I've ever seen em is in mud holes.....I didn't mean that bowhunting would wipe them out but an annual bowhunting tourny would get most of the big ones taken out I think. They just sit there with their backs showing like sitting ducks...As I was saying, they are just too successful there
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ODFW could even make a few bucks so they don't have to jack my license up to $60(with combined tag) OUCH!!!
Here's another crazy idea:
ODFW could set up a program where any angler who brings 50 or a hundred smallies of any size to a station at the rv lot in elkton between 5 and 7 pm would be elligable to purchase a single use(like a zip tie) tag to keep one steely in the winter of that same year. The steel population would go up, people would get a chance to experience a keeper steel...and odfw would actually make people PAY to do their work for all the way around! Half the people who bought the tags wouldn't even catch a steel I bet.....The money from the tags could be used for expanded stocking and the fry would actually survive.....The smallies could be sold as crab bait.....and nutria would also make great crab bait!!!!
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