Also limited out last weekend

Three of us all limited out last weekend. One fish 24in 4.7lbs and another 21 inches. some fish taken on south end, but best fishing was along east bank by campground.

Good Luck


Three of us all limited out last weekend. One fish 24in 4.7lbs and another 21 inches. some fish taken on south end, but best fishing was along east bank by campground.

Good Luck

Welcome to our family of fairly friendly fisher folk. Thanks for the great report on a lake I am planning on getting to next month. Sounds like you had a great day down there. Do you get to fish it often? Any other favorite fishing waters? Welcome again. Hope to hear more from you.
Be safe.
I'm headed there this weekend. I haven't been there since I was a kid, but remember good fishing. What are they hitting on? I guess a wide variety of anything should attract something.

"Fish till you drop, just don't drop your beer!"
My mom & pop went to Diamond Lake on Tuesday to go camping and do some fishing - their trip report was that the mosquitos were so bad they said that they could barely breath. On top of that there was a $5k purse fishing tourney going on so they vacated and went to Susan Creek instead.
their trip report was that the mosquitos were so bad they said that they could barely breath. .

Those are not mosquitos, they are midges and they are so thick that you cannot open your mouth when they hatch out! They do not bite and only live long enough to lay eggs and then they die. They are so thick on the water that the fishing really slows down because all the fish have to do is just surface with there mouths open and they are so full that they don't bite! They make for a miserable trip as they land on anything and everything, They will cover your boat in the early morning when the boat it wet with dew!


Talk abut a huge let down. We fished using everything and didn't get one measily bite! RIDICULOUS!!! Everyone said that the fishing died off on Tuesday. Very few people bringing one or two in. The bugs were pretty bad at times. The crappy fishing made it tough on the tournament. 1st place was i think 24 inch 5 lb 12 oz, don't remember 2nd and 3rd was like 16 inch 3+ lb. The report was so great, it's sad that it peetered out on everyone. On the way home, we tried Miller Lake with no luck there as well (same thing, lots of bugs). Oh well, you can't win them all. I did catch a great buzz and got a sun tan (burn). Maybe I'll catch something next time.

"Fish till you drop, just don't drop your beer"
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